Sunday, August 23, 2020
comparitive book review :: essays research papers
Near Book Review Rediscovering church †Lynne and Bill Hybels This book was composed the organizer and main leader of Willow Creek Community Church and his better half. Willow Creek is situated in rural Chicago. It has a week by week participation moving toward 20000. In this book the Hybels share some portion of their story in feeding Willow Creek and a smidgen of their way of thinking of service. The hidden religious philosophy accepted by the creator is that the congregation has the ability to change the world. His philosophy is by all accounts more church-driven rather then Christocentric. I would not call Hybels a scholar. He presents essential fervent religious philosophy. This is in sharp complexity to Guder’s book, which has advanced philosophically evolved sees on the idea of the congregation. There is no conversation of God’s relationship to his creation or the realm. As a matter of fact there is next to no realm talk. The accentuation is by all accounts that the neighborhood church is significant. In any case, there is no association with the worldwide catholic (all inclusive) church. This again differentiates Guder’s worldwide standpoint. Guder doesn't limit the significance of the nearby church, however admirably sets it inside the setting of the worldwide fellowship. The nearby church is basically observed as a vehicle of evangelism and association. I was astounded that Hybels says nothing regarding the significance of love. I have gone to the conviction that holy places ought to be fundamentally loving network. Every single other movement (evangelism, instructing, teaching, social consideration and so on.) stream from this essential calling of revering the triune God. However, Guder additionally doesn't address the issue of love. Or maybe he is setting out a â€Å"map†for our missional observer on the planet. The way of thinking of service is laid out by Hybels most plainly in ten and twelve. In section ten he essentially presents a message given by Dr. Gilbert Bilezikian at a congregation initiative meeting at Willow Creek. The four key components of a solid church are: instructing, cooperation, evangelism and aiding those out of luck. Lecturing is viewed as something that ought to be done uniquely by the individuals who are talented, profoundly trained and blessed by the Spirit. Hybels bombs here to plainly illuminate what scriptural lecturing is. He doesn't distinguish interpretative, expositional, account or topical similar to the favored strategy. Association is viewed as the chance to share profound needs with regards to little gatherings. There is nothing extremely momentous here. The standard investigate of triviality in holy places is given.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Narmers Palette :: essays research papers
As Egypt developed and prospered to a ground-breaking and rich country, it deserted for the present students of history, pieces of information and antiquities of a once particular, entrenched and organized society. Confirmation of this is plainly delineated in ruler Narmer's Palette. This Palette shows history specialists the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt, which meant the beginnings of an acculturated period revolved around the Nile. The unification of Egypt happened around 3100 B.C., under the First Dynasty of Menes(3100-2850 B.C.). This age is regularly know as the Protodynastic time, which is known for the foundation of a firm political structure of the land which was bound together in the hands of the ruler. The glorification of Lower and Upper Egypt joining was depicted in Narmer's Palette, which was found in the old southern capital of Hierakonpolis. The general capacity of Narmer's Palette was to recognize a triumph over his human adversaries. With Narmer's triumph, the Palette likewise delineates his effective guarantee and triumph of the entirety of Egypt, subsequently setting up unification of Lower and Upper Egypt under his standard. The predominant them nonetheless, is the triumph of the god manifest over the powers of malice and disarray. The Narmer Palette, while portraying a few social perspectives and propensities of the Egyptian culture, likewise uncovers and accentuates their organized situations inside a chain of importance of order. Both sides of the Palette uncover, at the top, the name of ruler Narmer, which first reports, in the recorded history of Egypt, that we now are managing an enlightened state. At the point when the copyists needed to compose ruler Narmer's name, they set a little fish called a 'nar' over an etch, articulated 'mer'. This blend of the words gave them 'Narmer'. The Palette likewise portrays lord Narmer(probably the amazing Menes) wearing the Red Crown of Lower Egypt and the White Crown of Aphroditopolis, which spoke to Upper Egypt. Since Narmer had guaranteed triumph over the northern lord, in this way turning into the main Pharaoh, the unification of Egypt was finished. The converse of the Palette depicts Narmer clubbing a foeman. Narmer is then trailed by his foot-washer, which ought to be noted is appeared for a littler scope and remaining on a different register line, as fit to his relative position and position in Egypt's chain of importance. Narmer remains before the incomparable sky-god Horus, of whom Narmer is likewise a manifestation, spoke to as a bird of prey with a human arm holding a papyrus shrubbery. On the front of this palette, Narmer examines a combat zone close Buto, with a few beheaded groups of his foemen. Narmer is then gone before by his four leading figures and his cleric. The center register of this exceptionally sorted out account shows two long-
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Economics Behind Green Revolution In India History Essay
The Economics Behind Green Revolution In India History Essay In the year 1943, India confronted one of the universes most noticeably awful recorded food calamity, known as the Bengal Famine. The starvation caused significant damage of 4 million individuals in eastern India alone. The reasons sent for this starvation was an intense deficiency in the food creation around there. In any case, the prominent business analyst Amartya Sen accepted that the agitation identified with the World War II was a progressively significant factor which focused on food supplies for the British rulers. After Independence additionally, India proceeded with its accentuation on the food creation situation to take care of its evergrowing populace . With this impact India advanced the Green Revolution during the period 1967-78, focussing for the most part on wheat, rice, corn and millets. Preceding 1967, the endeavors to accomplish a more elevated level of food creation were not effective. Durng this period the primary accentuation was on expanding the absolute region under food creation. The outcomes were nor excited. Individuals were all the while passing on of craving. The pace of development of populace was as yet higher than the pace of development of food creation. To forestall this legislature took exceptional measures and declared the green upheaval. As we referenced over, the all out zone under food creation was as a rule ceaselessly expanded after 1947 and this kept on expanding significantly after 1967 to fulfill the developing needs of food. Be that as it may, this was not the most striking element of Green Revolution. Twofold Cropping of region effectively under creation The zone under creation was edited just once per year before the green transformation. The administration urged and created intends to twofold yield the current farmlands. This was the most striking and significant element of Green Revolution in India. The one trimming for every season was being finished inferable from the single characteristic rainstorm season in the nation. For the twofold trimming to be effective, government manufactured tremendous water system offices. Dams were made to catch the immense measure of regular downpour water which was before squandered. Utilizing improved seeds for creation This was made conceivable through overwhelming interest in Research and Development. The Indian Council for Agricultural Research was answerable for advancement of High Yielding Variety of seeds, predominantly wheat and rice yet additionally corn and millet. K68 assortment of seed for wheat was the most imperative of all seeds created. Created by Dr. M.P. Singh, this seed was by a wide margin the most significant supporter of Green Revolution, consequently, Dr. M.P. Singh is properly called the dad of Green Revolution in India. Rationale of Green Revolution in Economic Development Across the country rural development with efficiency development The Green Revolution lead to a guard ascend in the general creation and profitability of foodgrains in India and wheat and rice specifically. The ranchers were profited the most on account of better yields on their speculation. They had a guard produce because of the HYV seeds. Inspiring salary of lion's share of populace (provincial populace) to a specific level The salary of a greater part of the ranchers was expanded because of the presentation of HYV seeds as the yields had expanded. They were presently happier than they were before they utilized the HYV seeds. Hence, the way of life of Indian Rural populace rose. In this way making an enormous market for non-farming items and administrations With the unexpected flood in the way of life the rustic populace began requesting a greater amount of non horticultural items in this manner bringing their interest up in the market which prompted a flood in the creation of these products and ventures. Improvement of non-agrarian segment in a manageable way Along these lines, the improvement of farming segment offered path to the advancement of non horticultural part likewise, adding to the general development of the economy. Monetary Impact of the Green Revolution As referenced above, Green unrest majorly affected the monetary states of India. The significant ones are clarified underneath: High yielding assortment of seed required more water, more composts, more fungicides, pesticides and different synthetic concoctions. This raised the interest for these items and therby, prompted a development of the non agrarian neighborhood producing division. This development made more occupations and expanded the countrys GDP. Dams that were made for giving water system offices by putting away normal downpour water were likewise utilized for creating hydro power. This made new openings, helped modern development and increased the expectation of living of individuals in provincial area. All the credits that India took from the World Bank and its members were repaid due to the accomplishment of green upheaval. This aided in making India financially sound according to loaning offices and different nations. The green insurgency brought about a tremendous interest for work, in this way, giving them greater business and, accordingly, increasing the general expectation of living. Some created nations, similar to Canada, were intrigued with the achievement of Green Revolution in India, they mentioned Indian Government to help them in actualizing the Green Revolution in their nation. Indian Government sent a few ranchers, who were at that point knowledgeable with the procedures of Green Revolution, from Punjab and Haryana to Canada and got them settled there. This is the motivation behind why there are such a large number of Punjabi speaking Indian starting point residents in Canada today. These individuals likewise moved a piece of their profit to India around then, therenby, raising Indias outside trade income. Factual Results of Green Revolution Green Revolution was a significant hit in India and it had the accompanying numerical outcomes: India delivered 131 million tons of food grains in 1978-79. India was in this manner set up as the universes greatest farming maker. Not just this, India just because, turned into a net exporter of foodgrains during this period. The yield of our farmlands developed fundamentally by 30 percent from 1947 to 1979. The all out harvest territory utilizing High Yielding Variety of seeds fundamentally developed from 7% to 22% of the all out developed zone. Therefore, adding to the general creation of food grains.
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND GLOBAL CHANGE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Worldwide BUSINESS AND GLOBAL CHANGE - Essay Example This paper illuminates the matter of extravagance vehicles. The article considers an example of 200 nations and afterward on premise of specific parameters it attempts to discover the best markets for top of the line vehicles. Extravagance vehicle advertise involves the buyers who have a place with the exclusive class of any general public. This paper attempts to recognize the two most potential nations of the world that has the most elevated extents of financially princely individuals demonstrating exceptional enthusiasm for superficial point of interest utilization. Presentation International business is basic in the realm of monetary undertakings (Moffett, n.d.). This is the time of globalization and progression when practically all the organizations and firms of the world are going worldwide (LOC, 2007). Assembling firms, organizations including expressions, music and even the administration firms like banks, protection and so forth are altogether expanding their branches over th e world outside their local domain. Worldwide business help to express capital streams, innovative aptitudes and even work openings over the world. The customers experience variable decisions of various merchandise and ventures. The market for merchandise and ventures extends in each nation with open exchanging giving its purchasers a wide assortment of items. Global exchange likewise encourages portability of the laborers in the work advertise (Rutgers, 2001). The action moves to a worldwide level when there is reallocation of gainful assets and encourages particular decisions in business. To get the job done the goals of firms, associations and individuals business houses are getting included into cross outskirt exchanges. Worldwide organizations have different branches like administration contracts, outside exchange, diversifying, authorizing and furthermore include remote institutional ventures. In the previous 30 years the quantum of global exchange has extended in Billions. Wo rldwide connections have helped to a great extent by improving the expectations for everyday comforts and redesigning innovation for business. The business and exchange strategies are presently incorporated together between countries. Like, in the event that the espresso creation changes in Brazil, at that point it would influence economies and market all over the world. The whole of worldwide business had fallen somewhat around the year 2000 however has again begun to develop with globalization quickening. Exchanging squares are framed with defense. There is a move in the example of worldwide exchange between countries. From the time of 1960’s to 1990’s the prerequisite of fabricated merchandise in worldwide exchange was a lot more prominent than the need of crude data sources like elastic, jute. In the ongoing situation, rising economies on the planet like BRICS are effectively taking an interest in the creation of made items. Administration division exchanging has a dditionally augmented in the present time frame (CIA, 2013). Creating areas like India have practically 30% of its GDP being contributed from the tertiary segment despite the fact that it was already a nation with practically 80% of GDP originating from essential division. The principle reason for the venture is to comprehend the degree to which worldwide business goes about as an essential assemblage of world economy. The exchange surges an economy are imperative to adjust its exchange account, at a full scale level. Then again there are numerous organizations working in the local market that can't appreciate the products of economies of scale underway, with the assistance of universal
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Social Effects of Cigarettes Smoking Essay - 550 Words
Social Effects of Cigarettes Smoking (Essay Sample) Content: Topic: cigarette smoking should be bannedName:Course:Instructorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s Name:DateIntroductionCigarette smoking attributes to about 400, 000 deaths in the united states alone. Cigarette smoking is addictive and harmful to oneà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s health. It also has hazardous effects on the surrounding environment. Cigarette is a drug. It is common knowledge that drugs are bad. Medical reports have indicated that the cigarette is one of the most dangerous drugs on the universe.ConstituentsResearch has word that a cigarette contains over 4000 chemicals. The most abundant chemical in the cigarette is the nicotine. Other chemicals include Cadium. Cadium is a highly poisonous metal whose industrial use is the manufacture of batteries. Formaldehyde is also present in this little white stick. This chemical is industrially applied for the preservation of dead bodies in morgues. The 4000 deadly chemicals in cigarettes are enough evidence for authorities around the globe to illegali ze it.The most addictive of these chemicals is nicotine. This chemical is quickly absorbed into the lungs and the bloodstream. It then finds its way to the brain.Cigarette smoking is a nuisance to the people that sit on them. In fact, the smoke is worse for these people as compared to the active smoker. The Smoke emitted from the cigarette end has a double concentration of nicotine compared to the smoke that passes via the filter.Reasons for banning of cigarettesA cigarette is engineered to produce inhalable smoke. In the yester years, cigarettes were not very popular. They produced some smoke that was too ash for the user. Flue curing has since been used in making the smoke friendlier. This, however, does not get rid of dangers that were associated with cigarettes in the yester years. Cases of associated diseases have been on the rise. Lung cancer is among the worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s epidemics that are proofing a hard nut for medics. Cigarette smoke causes lung cancer.Product defect and death are the principle reasons outlined in this paper. Fu...
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Thinking Harder Not Smarter The Three Key Components of Memory
Debunking the Myth of Cramming AP U.S. History was a nightmare for me. When did Abraham Lincoln pass the Emancipation Proclamation Act? Did the Alien and Sedition Acts happen under the Adams or Jefferson administration? My problem spilled over into other disciplines: did magnesium sulfate dissolve in water? Did government subsidies affect supply or demand? I responded to my shortcoming the way high school students do across America: I crammed more and slept less. To no one’s surprise, I did terribly. Only later during a college neuroscience course would I really learn why. Memory, it turns out, does not work like a camcorder. Not every moment spent with your notes is worth the same, and not every memory is recalled perfectly. Memory as an Active Process To start, I think the most important thing to understand is that memory is an active process. Everything you experience through your eyes and nose comes to your brain, which makes active decisions on what to remember and what not to. Furthermore, only a select handful of those short-term memories will be preserved for the long term. By understanding this process of memory-making, I was able to finally pin down which elements in the periodic table are good nucleophiles and which have small atomic radii. Step 1: Encoding The first step of memory production is referred to as encoding. During this phase, the brain takes sensory information and forms a construct that can be called back for later. How can you make the brain encode specific things more easily? My gut response in high school was to repeat. I’d pull out flashcards and look at them again and again, late into the night. That method works. Sort of. Research suggests that although repetition is certainly helpful, you also benefit from elaborative encoding, or forming new connections between ideas. Rather than stare at a flashcard - The Alien and Sedition acts happened in 1798 under the Adams administration – you benefit more from building higher-lever connections. For instance, I remember that Jefferson had an agrarian, small-government vision for America. That vision would not fit neatly with passing the Alien and Sedition Acts. Step 2: Storage After a construct is encoded into short-term memory, it is potentially stored into long-term memory. Conveniently, such a process happens during sleep. The less sleep you get, the fewer memories your brain can hold onto. Maybe you only need to hold onto Ampere’s law for Thursday’s exam, but you might need it again come May. Step 3: Retrieval Lastly, the brain needs to retrieve stored memories. Retrieval of memories seems to be cue-dependent, that is, people or objects or sounds that were around at the time of the memory help bring a memory back. (When eating bagels, I tend to remember trying to catch the bus.) For exams then, have the same cues around while studying that you would have in the classroom. Try to have the same degree of alertness. If you have track practice before chemistry, try exercising before hitting your chemistry textbook. On the extreme end of the spectrum, I have certain outfits I wear for each subject’s exam that I also wear during final exam review season. Make Memory Work for You The key here is to think smart, not hard. If you know how your memory works and can make it work for you, you can spend less time digging through flashcards and have more time for yourself. Cram less, sleep more, and watch some Netflix with your new spare time. Interested in learning more about the psychology of intelligence? Brainfood: Optimal Nutrition for Thinking Test-Taking What Can Athletics Teach Us About Academics? Taking time for the how of learning, not the what
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Heroes Or Ignorant The United States - 1699 Words
Heroes or Ignorant How we are going to remember history is based mainly on the stories that are available to our society. In many stories the United States are presented as a heroic country that is involved in every international issue to help to the feeble nation. After, these stories are used as a pattern for books and movies, which are spread to the whole world, and afterwards people have general perception about the US as a brave country that stands behind oppressed nations. However, no one is paying attention how is described the oppressed nation. The good light is on the US and we do not usually know much about the stance of the â€Å"feeble†country. We do not know if they need a help or if they just became victims of more powerful†¦show more content†¦General public in the US had small access to the information about the outside world, so when the Vietnam war started lots of them did not know where the war was happening. Jo was just doing her job and the instruction did not tell her where is she going. â€Å"I was nineteen years old. I had no clue where Vietnam was or what I would find there. I mean I just thought I was going to Europe. Everything happened so fast I didn’t even have time to shop. This was December. I had no idea what to take with me. I just packed what I had in Oregon – wool skirts and sweaters. I didn’t realize how hot it was in Vietnam (28).†Even though Vietnam War is considered as a war with lots of media materials, we can see that people still did not pay attention to the information about the Vietnam. The main reason why they went to the war was because they were fighting for their country. American media created this perception, since they offered to the public just what they wanted or what the US government allowed to present. Also this war was fought in Vietnam, so we cannot be surprise that normal people did not know that there is some war in Asia. Deirdre English, ordinary American girl, found out abo ut the war in the museum of Science and Industry in Chicago. She did not have an opportunity to know about it – in school teachers did not talk about the Vietnam war, media did not highlight war issues, but once accidently she sawShow MoreRelatedThe Heroes Of The 1800 S1308 Words  | 6 Pageseach .Slavery was the most controversial topic and the greatest issue of the 1800’s. This spawned many fractious people, groups, and rebellions throughout the United States. Inevitably, when trouble arises there are also â€Å"heroes†who stand to face those challenges. To fight their oppressors and stand for what they believe is right. Heroes of the 1800’s include Fredrick Douglass and many others who found a way to prove their points with as little bloodshed as possible. 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Trying to findRead MoreThe Iraq Invasion Of Iraq1548 Words  | 7 PagesThe Iraq Invasion is definitely a subject of immense controversy regarding whether or not it was the appropriate action by the United States. Should the United States have interfered in Iraqi affairs? What was the real intention of accusing Iraq for having weapons of mass destruction and holding them accountable for the 9/11 terrorist attacks even though they were innocent of both allegations? Did the U.S. media cover all the truth in Iraq? Was the main purpose of the invasion the greed of oil Read MoreDeviance And Its Effect On Society1328 Words  | 6 PagesIn the United States of America, societal deviance changes nearly on a daily basis. Depending on the current culture, deviance is modified to make societal heroes like celebrities, political figures, and sport players look less deviant and more like role models for the public. 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Essay on Hiroshima, by John Hersey - 942 Words
While looking for a boat to carry the severely injured across the river, Mr Tanimoto â€Å"†¦ Found a good-sized pleasure punt drawn up on the bank†¦ five dead men, nearly naked, badly burned†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Hersey, 37) near it, he â€Å"†¦ lifted the men away from the boat†¦ he experienced such horror at disturbing the dead†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Hersey, 37). On August 6, 1945 the United States dropped an atomic bomb on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, to end the war between them. Hiroshima, by John Hersey is a book about six survivors of the first atomic bomb ever dropped on a city. The six survivors tell their stories of where they were before the bomb was dropped, what they did after the bomb was dropped, and what their life was like years after the bomb. The book also†¦show more content†¦Not wanting to let go of her expired infant Mrs. Kamai was devastated by the loss of her daughter. Two girls lost their family and Mrs. Kamai lost her baby, due to the bomb children lost their parents and parents lost their infants. After the bomb was dropped many people had developed serious health issues, many not knowing they had any. Father Wilhelm Kleinsorge, a German priest, had to have repeated visits to the hospital, to be treated for medical symptoms commonly found in the A-bomb survivors. â€Å"Back in the hospital in Tokyo for the second time, Father Kleinsorge was suffering from fever, diarrhea, wounds that would not heal, wildly fluctuating blood counts, and utter exhaustion. For the rest of his life, he was to be a classic case history of†¦ borderline form of A-bomb sickness†¦ many of which turned up in hibakusha†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Hersey, 110). A few years after the atom bomb was dropped many survivors, commonly called hibakusha, meaning explosion-affected persons, had to make many trips to the hospital because the United States dropped the atom bomb. Dr. Fujii, a physician who has a private hospital, planned to have a gathering on New Year’s Day with his family, but never showed u p. â€Å"At half past eleven, Dr. Fujii had not appeared, andShow MoreRelatedHiroshima, By John Hersey Essay1413 Words  | 6 PagesMr. Tanimoto consciously repeated to himself â€Å"‘These are human beings’†(Hersey 1946), as he attempted to save paralyzed, dying men and women, in the book â€Å"Hiroshima†by John Hersey. This nonfiction book was published on August 31 1946, a year after the atomic bombing fell on Hiroshima, Japan. This publication was raw, uncensored, and truthful. John Hersey unapologetically revealed the gruesome damages done by the bombing, while also silencing those who believed that the atomic bomb was a justifiedRead MoreHiroshima, By John Hersey996 Words  | 4 PagesHersey, John. Hiroshima. New York: n.p., 1946. Print. Before John Hersey’s novel, Hiroshima, Americans viewed Japanese as cruel and heartless people. This warped perspective caused the majority of American citizens to feel complacent about the use of the atomic bomb against civilians. Americans, in many ways, were blinded by their own ignorance to notice the severity of the destruction suffered by not only the city of Hiroshima but, more importantly, the people who lived there. The six testimoniesRead MoreHiroshima, By John Hersey1718 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"Hiroshima†was published in late 1946 and written by John Hersey. Hersey was employed by The New Yorker to Japan to explore the aftermath of the first atomic bombing done by the US. On August 6, 1945, the American bomber B-29 dropped the atomic bomb â€Å"Little Boy†over Hiroshima, Japan during WWII. He was able to examine nuclear warfare, the short-term and long-term effects, and the testing of humanity. Hersey’s intent in writing this book was to expose the lives of several survivors of the atomicRead MoreHiroshima, By John Hersey1496 Words  | 6 PagesJohn Hersey once said, â€Å"What has kept the world safe from the bomb since 1945 has not been deterrence, in the sense of fear of specific weapons, so much as it s been memory. The memory of what happened at Hiroshima†. Early morning on August the 6th 1945, the United Sates dropped atomic bombs into the city of Hiroshima, Japan. The â€Å"Little Boy†bomb which was equivalent to 20,000 tons of TNT, destroyed most of the city and killed about 130,000 people. There were few people who survived after thisRead MoreHiroshima, By John Hersey1021 Words  | 5 PagesOn August 6, 1945, the tragedy struck Hiroshima, Japan. At exactly 8:15 a.m. an atomic bomb had been dropped and ruined the lives of millions. In a book called, â€Å"Hiroshima†, written by John Hersey. Mr. Hersey was born on June 17, 1914 in Tientsin, China. He was a prize-winning journalist and writer. Keep in mind one of the earliest practitioners of the New Journalism, in which storytelling methods of fiction are immuned to realist reportage. He won three awards, The Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, Anisfield-WolfRead MoreHiroshima, By John Hersey1762 Words  | 8 PagesOn August 6, 1945, Hiroshima was unfortunate to be the first city of an atomic attack by the United States. Thousands of people were not so lucky to survive and tell their story of the aftermath of the Hiroshima bombing. In the book Hiroshima, by John Hersey, he writes about the tragic experience of six lucky survivors, on the day of the bombing in Hiroshima. Hersey wrote Hiroshima to give an insight about the experience of pain, hopelessness, and difficult time for many people of what used to beRead MoreHiroshima, By John Hersey2074 Words  | 9 PagesIn his book Hiroshima, written and published in 1946, Pulitzer Prize-winning American writer and journalist John Hersey argues that people should pay more close attention to the horrors of nuclear weapons that are still a major part of life today, as citizens – especially those in Hiroshima – still continue to suffer from the aftereffects of the atomic bomb set in motion in 1945. Although he never clearly states this argument, it is seen throughout his narrative that nuclear escalation continuesRead MoreHiroshima, By John Hersey1074 Words  | 5 PagesHuman life is precious in the sense that it is all about survival. There are qualities found in humans that make survival possible. In the book Hiroshima, by John Hersey, readers experience the core of humanity found in the six survivors during the days, months, and years following the atomic bomb. Through inspiration, perseverance, and a sense of community, the Japanese people demonstrated the strength of the human spirit. These six individuals were inspired and came up with clever ideas to surviveRead MoreEssay on Hiroshima by John Hersey1446 Words  | 6 PagesHiroshima by John Hersey The non-fiction book Hiroshima by John Hersey is an engaging text with a powerful message in it. The book is a biographical text about lives of six people Miss Sasaki, Dr. Fujii, Mrs. Nakamura, Father Kleinsorge, Dr. Sasaki and Rev. Tanimoto in Hiroshima, Japan and how their lives completely changed at 8:15 on the 6th of August 1945 by the dropping of the first atomic bomb. The author, John Hersey, through his use of descriptive language the in book Hiroshima exposesRead MoreAnalysis Of Hiroshima By John Hersey734 Words  | 3 Pagesâ€Å"Hiroshima†, written by author John Hersey is based on the real life events that occurred on August 6, 1945, in Hiroshima, Japan. During these final stages of World War II, the U.S. dropped the first atomic bombs on the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Hersey captures the experience of six survivors, and the events of that day. Nearly four decades later he travels back to the city in search of the survivors and tells of their present li ves, post-war. The purpose of the novel was to connect others
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Research On The New Scientific System - 1497 Words
Dante Manley Dr. Katzman Composition P.2 10 May 2016 Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat Scientific advancements are a huge debate where individuals are questioning whether the new scientific system CRISPR is an ethical way to modify fetuses. Experts have found that this could be the future of the world; therefore, CRISPR can alter mutant genes in the fetus to make the perfect healthy baby, changing the health of society. Many people may think that is is an inhumane way to conceive a baby, because an individual should not alter the way a baby is born and should let the babies be born naturally. However, there are many reasons why this theory is proven wrong; new and improved technology has allowed scientists to create a system that will genetically alter devastating diseases curing and creating a healthier society. CRISPR is beneficial to society and can aid in improving the overall health of the future public. One way in which CRISPR can aid in increasing the health benefits of society is by treating g enetic mutations. CRISPR is a new scientific advancement that can treat devastating diseases such as cystic fibrosis and sickle cell anemia. While it is possible to get a screening done for a certain devastating disease, a screening can not eliminate the disease that could alter an individual s life. New genetic technology has enabled scientists to delete mutant genes and insert healthy ones. This gives doctors the ability to eliminate the gene thatShow MoreRelatedWhat Are Scientific Merit?1544 Words  | 7 PagesConcept of Scientific Merit Introduction As future scholars who are working on our PhD, we tend to hear a lot about Scientific Merit. But, that same old question might pop in our mines, which is who really cares? We should, especially if we expect the IRB to approve our research proposal. 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(British Ecological Society, 2013, p. 1). Introduction Scholarly communication, especially in the digital environment, has witnessed a significant growth in the scientific productivity in all academic disciplines. According to the House of Commons ScienceRead MoreScientific Management: Taylor and the Gilbreths1254 Words  | 6 PagesScientific Management: Taylor and the Gilbreths Scientific management focuses on improving efficiency and output through scientific studies of workers processes. 1. fig. 1 Frederick Winslow Taylor Frederick Winslow Taylor is considered the creator of scientific management. * Scientific management, or Taylorism, is a management theory that analyzes work flows to improve economic efficiency, especially labor productivity. This management theory, developed by Frederick Winslow Taylor
Presidential Campaigns From George Washington to George...
Book: Presidential Campaigns From George Washington to George Bush Author: Paul F. Boller Jr. Publisher: Oxford University Press Date: 2004 Pages: 479 The Author Paul F. Boller, Jr. was born on December 31, 1916 in Spring Lake, New Jersey. He received a B.A. degree in 1939 and a Ph.D. in 1947, both from Yale University. He served as a Japanese translator for the U.S. Navy from 1942 through 1946 and then as a civilian analyst for the Office of Naval Intelligence in Washington, D.C. He taught history as a professor at several universities, including Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas (1948-1966), the University of Texas at Austin (1963), Queens College in New York (summer of 1964), the University of Massachusetts at Boston†¦show more content†¦Much of the book is like this. The author also uses some words to describe people that you can only figure out if you lived in that era of time he was writing about or again if you knew about that time in history. He mention that President Lincoln had dropped McClellan in 1862 for having the â€Å"slows†(page 116). In this case â€Å"slows â€Å" means that he was slow to attack the enemy and not as aggressive as Lincoln wanted him to be. If you know a little about history then this book would be substantially more enjoyable. Otherwise you might end up looking up names and phrases all day long to figure out what the author is talking about. I personally enjoyed the book. It was a quick read and kept me entertained and wanting to read more. The author manages to keep the readers attention with just enough humor and a nice brief but informative campaign summary. Its short and sweet. Its funny to read about how little some things have changed and even how some things have gotten worse. These days the candidates have access to more of each others pasts and do not hesitate to expose even the dirtiest of things and use the dirtiest of tactics in order to be president. It will never again be the same as when George Washington became President of the United States. He didnt even want the job, â€Å"Washington, who was fifty six, had mixed feelings about the honor,â€
Book Review (Betrayal of Work) Essay Example For Students
Book Review (Betrayal of Work) Essay But most compelling is her review of the vicious cycle of low-wage workers whose children are more likely to also fall into poverty and low-wage jobs. This is a problem still evident today in the country. Lee Rainwater and Timothy Smeeding also allude to this fact in their writing titled, Is There Hope for Americas Low-Income Children when they state, When we found ourselves discussing the large federal and states surpluses at the beginning of the twenty-first century that was a period when we could have made a serious commitment to child poverty in the United States. This opportunity was missed (Eitzen, p. 27). Shulman also discusses the four myths that dominate the debate about low-wage work: 1. Myth: Low-wage jobs are merely a short-lived step on a ladder to a better job. The reality? Low-wage jobs, historically, have had few career ladders. Today they offer even fewer (p. 102) 2. Myth: Improving worker skills is the primary solution to problem of low-wage work. The reality? The skills mismatch theory is a significant overstatement of the demand for high-skilled workers The overwhelming majority of occupations require only a high-school education or less (p. 104). 3. Myth: Because of global competition, U. S. companies are unable to do anything to improve the lives of low-wage workers. The reality? Very few low-wage jobs are now in globally competitive industries most lower-wage jobs are and will continue to be in the non-tradable service and retail sectors (p. 110). 4. Myth: Volunteerism is a substitute for social policy. The reality? We wouldnt need so many volunteers working in shelters and soup kitchens if jobs actually paid a living wage. By far, Shulmans greatest feat, and one I agree with wholeheartedly, in The Betrayal of Work is her last chapter in which she discusses a compact for working Americans. She states; This society needs to agree on a new set of principles a compact with working Americans that establishes obligations and responsibilities of employers and government to workers. This compact has a simple and clear purpose: workers should be assured that if they work hard they will be treated fairly and have the resources to provide for themselves and their families (p.149). Shulmans Compact with Working Americans includes but is not limited to the following: Providing a sufficient income to meet a familys basic needs Affordable healthcare coverage Flexibility and support for family issues Opportunities to gain new skills Affordable and safe housin Safe and healthy work environment Security in times of economic adversity and retirement The right to organize and collectively bargain Fair trade and immigration policies. Bottom line advice: some may see this book as just another liberal spouting liberal doctrines and policies that will unfairly burden employers, but if you put aside the politics and focus on the people, the 30 million low-wage, near-poverty workers, you come away with the idea of this book as the textbook for changing how we view and treat these vital members of the workforce, these vital humans and fellow citizens. This book should be a must-read for all students, business leaders, and politicians alike. Today, Americans can make different choices. Politicians should call for a compact with working Americans that establishes the mutual obligations and responsibilities of employers, workers, and government. The compact would have a simple and clear purpose: It would insure that if you work hard you will be treated fairly and have the resources to provide for yourself and your family. One place to start is raising the minimum wage to at least $8. 00 and indexing it to inflation. The compact should require that industries receiving public funds through contracts, tax abatements or other subsidies provide quality jobs with benefits and living wages. .u54448a6583f5b6395026397902ed7709 , .u54448a6583f5b6395026397902ed7709 .postImageUrl , .u54448a6583f5b6395026397902ed7709 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u54448a6583f5b6395026397902ed7709 , .u54448a6583f5b6395026397902ed7709:hover , .u54448a6583f5b6395026397902ed7709:visited , .u54448a6583f5b6395026397902ed7709:active { border:0!important; } .u54448a6583f5b6395026397902ed7709 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u54448a6583f5b6395026397902ed7709 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u54448a6583f5b6395026397902ed7709:active , .u54448a6583f5b6395026397902ed7709:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u54448a6583f5b6395026397902ed7709 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u54448a6583f5b6395026397902ed7709 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u54448a6583f5b6395026397902ed7709 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u54448a6583f5b6395026397902ed7709 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u54448a6583f5b6395026397902ed7709:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u54448a6583f5b6395026397902ed7709 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u54448a6583f5b6395026397902ed7709 .u54448a6583f5b6395026397902ed7709-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u54448a6583f5b6395026397902ed7709:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: How does the war poetry you have studied refelct chaging attiudes to war? EssayAccess to affordable healthcare must be provided to all workers and their families. This in itself will be a monumental undertaking. Jerome Skolnick, author of Crisis in American Institutions, describes the reason why Americas healthcare system is substandard because of our extreme reliance on the private market to deliver medical care (p. 288). Workers need to know they can get time off to be with a sick child or an elderly parent without fear of losing their jobs or a days pay. Quality childcare and early education should be made available to their children. And workers must have the right to organize without fear of intimidation, harassment, or being fired. In the past, we have established standards and rights to insure that older Americans would not be impoverished or go without healthcare, to prevent young children from working and to insure equal opportunity in employment regardless of race, religion, national origin, sex, or age. Now we must set standards to protect the well-being of all working families and the integrity of the nation. It is urgent, both morally and politically, for all political candidates to confront this critical issue. Beth Shulman stumbled upon one simple fact. Low wage workers jobs fail them. A basic American understanding exists in if you worked hard, a livable income and basic securities were to be yours, but if we still believe in this idea, we are living a lie (p. 13). References Eitzen, D. S. (2006). Solutions to social problems: Lessons from other societies. Boston, MA: Allyn Bacon. Skolnick, J. Currie, E. (2006). Crisis in American institutions (13th ed. ). Boston, MA: Allyn Bacon. Shulman, B. (2003). The Betrayal of Work: How Low-Wage Jobs Fail 30 Million Americans. New York, NY: The New Press. United States Census Bureau (n. d. ). Poverty Thresholds 2007. Retrieved 11 March, 2008 from the U. S. Census Bureau Web site: http://www. census. gov United States Department of Labor (n. d. ) Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey: Retrieved 10 March, 2008 from the US Department of Labor Bureau of labor Statistics Web site: http://www. bls. gov/cps/ Summary 1 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our University Degree Social Work section.
Biotechnology in human medicine Essay Example For Students
Biotechnology in human medicine Essay Biotechnology is the science by which scietist change or manage biological systems in living things. This science allows humans to better understand, and apply their learnings to things such as agriculture, industry and human medicine. One of the ways scientist are learning more about medicines is by performing labs that are called cultures. This is when microorganisms or cells are grown in a controlled enviroment, set up by the experimenter. Also the culture must be kept clean and have food at all times. The organisms living in this cell are also known as a culture cell. When all is said and done the scientist should hopefully have learned something, usually having to do with a cell being different than normal. From culture labs scientist can make antiobiotics, vaccines and other drugs that can help people in todays society who are ill. Pharming is another way to help make medicines better. Pharming is a method by Scientists take milk from animals to produce proteins that are needed by humans. This method is a substitute to that of a culture because it is not only cheaper but is much safer. The Human Genome Project is also a project that is helpful to that of medicines. This project is aimed to help understand how genes work in a persons body. Once we we learn more about the genes of people the door is opened to other paths. The goals of this project are to identify all 100,000 genes in DNA, determine the 3 billion chemical bases found in DNA and then to develop tools that will help us analyze all of the information that is learned from the project. These are only just some of what is gonna help us with medicine in the future. Bibliography: .
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
The Erie Canal Essays - National Geographic Society,
The Erie Canal In the days before Alexander G Bells invention news and other topics of interest traveled across America quite slowly, usually becoming distorted as a result of the number of times it changed hands before the invention reached its final destination. An example of this that best exemplifies the proceeding statement is the California Gold Rush. When this news finally reached the central and eastern Americas California was made out to be a promise land with gold for the taking. As result towns popped up literally over night peppering the western United States. Although the California Gold Rush is an extreme example people of the pre phone era were also quite creative with their means of communication; the opening of the Erie Canal best shows this. The canal was opened on October 25, 1825. The Erie Canal was a big deal for everyone within its vicinity since the Hudson and Lake Erie were now linked. This was important because instead of traveling overland, which was expensive and time, co nsuming. People goods and information could now be floated to their destination via the Erie Canal. Usually a typical message would take weeks or months to move across the state but not this day. When the canal was opened a cannon was fired in Buffalo when a man stationed further east herd the first man's blast he fired his own and so on and so forth until the rumble had traveled down the Hudson and into New York City. When the clock stopped in New York the news had traveled a total of 500 miles in a mere two hours. In 1847 a child was born into the Bell family; this child was named Alexander Gram Bell. Alexander's mother Eliza was def. In fact, the only way he could talk to her was to speak in slow deep tones very close to her forehead. Alexander was intrigued how his def mother could understand these vibrations. This fascination was the beginning of a lifelong strife that led to numerous contributions to the social and scientific communities. Bell's career as an inventor and armature scientist began when he was only 14 years old. He designed a device that was able to separate the husks from wheat by combining a nailbrush and paddle to form a brushing wheel. Bell as one might think was no ordinary child. By the age of 16 he was a music instructor at an all male boarding school. Alexander also enjoyed to read and found himself drawn toward the German physicist Herman Von Helmlsltz who, in one of his writings discussed how vowel sound could be produced using tuning forks and resonators. The only problem with Von Helmlsltz's work was that it was in German and since Bell could not read German he made what he called a very valuable blunder. Alexander interpreted von Helmlotz's work as claiming vowel sounds could be carried over a wire. This blunder in turn began Bell's experiments with electricity. Alexander's original dream was to produce a telegraph that was capable of sending multiple messages at one time. This invention when complete was to be called the harmonic telegraph. While working on this telegraph Alexander Bell acquired the assistance of a gentleman named Thomas Watson who was known for devising tools that helped in improving numerous inventions. Later while discussing ways to improve Bell's harmonic telegraph the two discussed the dream of sending human voices over the telegraph wires.
Friday, April 17, 2020
Find Out How to Format Your Essay
Find Out How to Format Your EssayThe outline sample for five essays is a must have if you want to turn in a project that is of high quality. All good projects have a great outline; do not allow yourself to be caught off guard by your work or those around you who are reviewing your work. Having an outline allows you to capture the entire scope of the project and then simply document everything as you go.The outline is a very important element to any project because it will dictate where the writing is going and how the writer will get there. An outline helps you focus on what is important and what is not. The outline should capture the topics in the writing, outlining the major parts, sections, and chapters, and detail the research that needs to be done.While an outline sample for five essays is a good resource, it is not the only place to find one. You should also find one that is written by another expert in the field. Often times, experts will have a professional company that provi des outlines that they have written. These outlines will detail the exact ways to structure the entire assignment.If you are unsure how to write a book or a thesis, you may want to ask an expert. They can give you advice on the perfect outline for the five essays. Since so many people want to take their writing to the next level, they want to improve their writing skills and their academic performance.A college graduate is able to write a thesis or a book of their own project, but the only problem they may have is coming up with a proper outline. There are many sources available online that help individuals write their own outline. A five essay is usually much easier to complete without having to know exactly how to write the different parts.Many people do not know how to start writing the main idea, do they? Instead of having to learn the different areas of the essay and all of the different chapters, they have to pick an outline and copy and paste the sections into the different p arts of the paper. It takes a lot of time to read an outline, compare it to another outline, and then rewrite the whole thing from scratch.It is much better to find online outline samples for the five essay. You will be able to see how other people have formatted their essays, and then you can write your own project accordingly. You can use them to format your essay, and just remember, do not let anyone else tell you what the best way to format is.No matter what outline sample for five essays you may find, do not make the mistake of using someone else's outline when you are writing your own. You will not be able to do anything in this world that will stand out better than what you can do with your own outline. Remember that when it comes to writing, the outline is king.
Monday, March 16, 2020
How Plants Animals Alter the Planets Surface
How Plants Animals Alter the Planet's Surface One of the agents of organic weathering, bioturbation is the disturbance of the soil or sediment by living things. It may include displacing soil by plant roots, digging by burrowing animals (such as ants or rodents), pushing sediment aside (such as in animal tracks), or eating and excreting sediment, as earthworms do. Bioturbation aids the penetration of air and water and loosens sediment to promote winnowing or washing (transportation). How Bioturbation Works Under ideal circumstances, sedimentary rock is formed in predictable layers. Sediments bits of soil, rock, and organic matter collect on the surface of the land or at the bottom of rivers and oceans. Over time, these sediments are compressed to the point of which they form rock. This process is called lithification. Layers of sedimentary rock may be seen in many geological structures. Geologists are able to determine the age and composition of sedimentary rock based on the materials included in the sediment and the level at which the rock lies. In general, older layers of sedimentary rocks lie under newer layers. Organic matter and fossils that make up the sediments also provide clues to the age of the rock. Natural processes can disturb the regular layering of sedimentary rock. Volcanoes and earthquakes can disturb layers by forcing older rock closer to the surface and newer rock deeper into the Earth. But it doesnt take a powerful tectonic event to disturb sedimentary layers. Organisms and plants are constantly shifting and changing Earths sediments. Burrowing animals and the actions of plant roots are two sources of bioturbation. Since bioturbation is so common, sedimentary rocks are divided into three groups that describe their level of bioturbation: Burrowed rock is filled with evidence of organisms, and may contain elements from several different sedimentary layers.Laminated rock shows evidence of bioturbation at the surface caused by nons include furrows and tracks created by aquatic or terrestrial animals.The massive rock contains sediments from just a single layer. Examples of Bioturbation Bioturbation occurs in many different environments and at several different levels. For example: Earthworms digging through soil can shift older materials to higher layers. They can also leave behind traces of their activity in the form of fecal matter which, over time, lithifies.Burrowing marine animals such as crabs, clams, and shrimp, can radically change sedimentary layers. These animals burrow into the sand, creating tunnels and moving materials from one sedimentary layer to another. If the tunnels are sturdy enough, they may later be filled with material formed at a later time.Tree roots often run through multiple layers of soil. As they grow, they may disturb or mix sediments. When they fall, they pull older materials to the surface. Significance of Bioturbation Bioturbation provides researchers with information about sediments, and thus about the geology and history of the sediments and the area. For example: Bioturbation can suggest that a particular area is likely to be rich in petroleum or other natural resources;Bioturbation can provide clues to ancient life in the form of fossilized animal and plant remains;Bioturbation can provide information about life cycles, dietary habits, and migration patterns of contemporary organisms.
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Charles Robert Darwins Accomplishments
Charles Robert Darwin, the biologist, the psychologists, philosophist, founder of evolutionism who put forward the doctrine of biological evolution, which destroys all kinds of idealistic theology and species invariance. The idea of a gradual and continuous change in all species of plants and animals was expressed by many scientists long before Darwin. But it was Darwin who put forward a completely new hypothesis regarding living nature, generalizing individual evolutionary ideas into one, the so-called theory of evolution, which was the most widely spread in the world.He published â€Å" The Origin of Species by Natural Selection†in 1859. It should be noted that despite the huge popularity among the reading public, the idea of a gradual appearance in the living nature of new species for the scientific community of the time turned out to be so unusual that it was not accepted immediately.Darwin suggested that in competition among animal populations, only those will survive th at have properties of benefits under given specific conditions, allowing producing offspring as well. His theory is based on three principles: a) heredity and variability; b) the struggle for existence; c) natural selection.Variability is an inalienable property of all living things. Despite the similarity of living organisms of the same species, two completely identical individuals cannot be found within the population. This variation of features and properties creates the advantage of some organisms over others. A certain variability, or adaptive modification, is the ability of individuals of one species to react in an identical way to changes in the environment. Such group changes are not inherited, so they can not supply material for evolution.The core principle of natural selection has the following implications: Organisms have a tendency to overproduce while living space and food are limited so that creatures must fight for survival. Variants exist in individuals within the same population, and individuals with favorable variations that adapt to the environment will survive and multiply offspring, while individuals without favorable variability will be eliminated. His natural selection principle is based on the prevailing fusion genetic hypothesis at that timeHowever The modern theory of evolution the synthetic theory of evolution (STE), based on the synthesis of Darwins theory of natural selection with Mendels genetics, proves that mutations are the cause of variability abrupt changes in the hereditary structure of the organism that occur randomly do not solve the problem either.The question arises after so many years of the discovery that whether the theory of evolution is the only logical explanation for the development of life?Evolution is the development of life. Recognition that evolution is taking place is the only logical explanation for the observed regularities of modern biological diversity, which i s also confirmed by the paleontological chronicle and embryological data. The theory of evolution is an explanation of the mechanisms of evolution, there can be many theories of evolution
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Innovation Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Innovation Systems - Essay Example This phenomenal demand and growth of renewable forms of energy has resulted because of the need for finite fuel prices and petroleum reserves. As such, the revolution for renewable energy increases as wind energy is no longer considered an alternative source of energy, but as sustainable, profitable and cost-effective (Spera, 2009). The French dynamic industry has become host for more than 140 companies involved in the construction, foundry, electronics, electric-engineering, and industrial services necessary for the production, commissioning and operation of wind turbine facilities. Onshore and offshore wind resources The French offshore wind power development programme which was commissioned under the "Grenelle de l'environnement" initiative in May 2007 led to the adoption of two important laws in August 3 2009 and July 12 2010 categorized under "Grenelle I" and "Grenelle II" laws. These laws were fundamental for the implementation of the environmental engagements adopted in the in itiative. Consequently, it was expected that the Directive 2009/28/EC stipulated the national plan aims for renewable energy development to reach 6,000 MW by 2020 from offshore wind farms generations and other marine energies. To the French consumers, this represents approximately 1,200 wind turbines generating 3.5% of the total grid consumed (Sathyajith, 2006). In order to meet the target, the offshore offshore wind power development programme anticipates a 20 billion investment by 2020, to be covered by a 4% increase of the "contribution au service public de l'electricite" (CSPE) between 2015 and 2020. This CSPE will be an additional charge on the electricity bill that end-customers pay. To the industry, however, the tendering of the offshore projects benefits will be taken into consideration including jobs to be created within the projects sites. As a result, some of the companies that have positioned themselves within the offshore wind power market include Compagnie du Vent, EDF Energies Nouvelles, Nexans and EADS Astrium. Other relatively minor companies in the industry have participated through acquisitions, partnerships and mergers to be eligible for the joint offers required in the 2011 round of tendering. The policies also stipulated the duration over which the offshore farms will occupy the maritime public domain. Once established under a concession, the offshore wind farms will be expected operate within 30 years and provide a financial guarantee for the full duration of the project. Throughout the concession period, the guarantee will enable reversibility of any change to the natural environment through restoration of the site and decommissioning of the facilities of the site at the end of the concession term. The estimated restoration and decommissioning costs will determine the computation of the guarantee amount (Macaulay, 1999). In comparison on the basis of production costs of wind power production, offshore wind farms will cost 3.5million eur os per megawatt against 1.5 million euros per megawatt for onshore. The costs are escalated due to the offshore facility installation; masts designed to withstand corrosion, force of currents and waves; as well as the resultant maintenance costs. However, except for the costs, off the coast winds cannot compare to the onshore with the technical characteristics.
Saturday, February 1, 2020
'Descartes' account of what is necessary and what is sufficient for Essay
'Descartes' account of what is necessary and what is sufficient for knowledge does not make sense'. Explain and critically discuss - Essay Example In developing these ideas, Descartes wrote several books regarding the nature of existence and knowledge, providing us with plenty of material to study and has had tremendous influence on those who have come after him. One of his most often quoted statements is â€Å"I think, therefore I am†which was published in his book entitled â€Å"Discourse on Method,†which was first published in 1637. By studying the writings that led up to this concept as expressed in â€Å"Discourse on Method†and comparing them with further attempts to refine this idea within â€Å"Meditations on First Philosophy,†one begins to conclude that Descartes’ account of what is necessary and what is sufficient for knowledge does not make sense. This simple-sounding statement of â€Å"I think, therefore I am†is the result of a discourse in which Descartes calls into question all of the assumptions he’s come to know as a result of the philosophical thought of his day. â€Å"I had long before remarked that †¦ it is sometimes necessary to adopt, as if above doubt, opinions which we discern to be highly uncertain†(Descartes, 2001). To seek a higher version of the truth, Descartes felt it was necessary to question every assumption that had even the shadow of a doubt. Through this questioning process, he demonstrates how thought, not observation is really the right foundation for knowledge. â€Å"When I considered that the very same thoughts (presentations) which we experience when awake may also be experienced when we are asleep, while there is at that time not one of them true, I supposed that all the objects (presentations) that had ever entered into my mind when awake, had in them no more truth th an the illusions of my dreams†(Descartes, 2001). His idea of discovering truths about the world was defined by whether he had a clear and distinct perception of them and that was sufficient for knowledge. However, the idea that knowledge can be defined by a â€Å"clear and
Friday, January 24, 2020
Graduation Speech: The Beginning of Your Life :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address
Parents, teachers, families and friends, welcome and thank you for joining us tonight at the County High School graduation ceremony for the Class of 2012! Graduation is a time to look fondly upon memories which have been made over the past three years. I am sure all of us have our own memories which we hold close to our hearts and make us grin when we think of them. Events which become very vivid in my mind are football and basketball games, dances, pep assemblies, at least the ones from our sophomore and junior years, and especially time spent with a group of friends just doing whatever. It hurts to think of all these memories and then realize this time period in our lives is coming to an end. From the lyrics of Dave Mathews, "So why would you care, to get out of this place, you and me and all our friends, such a happy human race ... As we all go our separate ways ... I will remember." Graduation is also time to look at what the future has in store for each of us. It is a very serious time, a time to take a look at what path our lives are going to take once the caps and gowns are taken off and we are thrust into a world which is not so well known to most of us. Will you be successful? Will you be unsuccessful? This success I am speaking of has nothing to do with monetary gains but is measured solely by happiness. Are you truly happy? Will you be five or ten years down the road? Begin planning for your future tonight, set goals. Figure out ways to achieve these goals and fulfill your dreams. If you do not like the path your life has taken thus far, if it does not make you happy, re-
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Virtual Banks
Introduction Continuous innovation in technology has altered the way in which business is conducted in each industry. This is especially true for that of financial services or banking. The banking world has evolved tremendously since its inception with most recent trend being towards the development of an online platform. Most Institutions currently offer financial solutions via branches as well as over the Internet. The appeal of online activity has in turn led emergence of online only or â€Å"virtual†banks. Virtual Banks DefinedA virtual bank is one that exists online only in which nearly all financial transactions are conducted over the Internet. The differentiating factor for online banks is the absence of physical branches and ATMs. Also referred to as direct banks, these entities offer identical products and services to its compared to traditional â€Å"brick and mortar†institutions. This includes opening checking and high interest savings accounts with which b ill payments, transfers, deposits and withdrawals can be made. Client’s can access money via partner ATMs or attain cash back at point of sale at certain merchants.Deposits are made directly, by mailing a check, and partner ATMs. Moreover, investments, lending products and professional advice can be acquired through the respective website. Furthermore, most virtual banks are insured by the FDIC (Federal Depository Insurance Corporation). Brief History Banks began to move online with the commercialization of the Internet in the 1990s. Traditional brick and mortar banks were seeking ways to reduce costs simultaneously providing quality products and services. The solution was discovered by the development of an online system.Considering the success of the launch of online banking, institutions began to expand their online presence through website innovation and improvements as well as by diversifying their online product and services offerings. Following the establishment of an easily accessible and profitable online banking structure, virtual online only banks emerged. These entities were successful in overhead cost reduction having only to support the costs of a single online computer network rather than those of operating physical branches and ATMs. This enabled the provision of higher returns to their clients.The first fully functional direct bank insured by the FDIC was the Security First Network Bank, based in Atlanta, It began operations on October 18, 1995 and was eventually bought out despite having been the first to prove the viability of virtual banks. Competition The rise of online only banks has stimulated further competition within the financial industry. These institutions face heavy competition from traditional counterparts who excel in both online and personal customer service experience. Each provides respective benefits and drawbacks however; clients may choose to utilize both options and make transfers between the two.Major Players Ther e are several major players within the virtual banking segment of the financial services industry. INGDirect, is currently ranked first amongst competitors. HSBCDirect follows ranked second. Others include: Ally Bank, Banco Best, Discover Bank, First Direct etc. Use Amongst Canadians: Some Statistics Online banking is experiencing continuous and rapid growth. It has become the most popular means of conducting financial transactions. According to the Canadian Bankers Association, more than half of Canadians have used online banking within the last year.Its use is increasing amongst all age groups as the ease and convenience of these innovations is valued. ? 47 per cent of Canadians now use the Internet as their main means of banking, up from only eight per cent 12 years ago. ? 53 per cent of young Canadians between the ages of 18 and 34 say online is their main way of banking as do 45 per cent of those 55 or older. ? 41 per cent of Canadians report that their use of online banking ha s increased, while only four per cent say it is on the decline. (According to the Canadian Bankers Association) Benefits vs.Drawbacks of Virtual Banks Online banking websites are widely used in today’s society. The way in which individuals conduct transactions is dependent on accessibility and time constraints. One must also consider desired return and the importance of lower interest rates. Customers must weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each option using these criteria when choosing between a traditional branch system and an online only bank. There are both advantages and disadvantages in respect to virtual banks Advantages There are several benefits to using an online only bank.These include convenience, higher returns, ease of use and environmental friendliness. A. Convenience Online only banks are convenient for those subject to time constraints such as working long hours, attending school and caring for a family. Most branches are limited to open hours of between 8 a m and 5 pm, and are closed on weekends. These conflict with the work and school hours of many people. For this reason, numerous individuals are unable conduct their required banking transactions at a branch. Moreover, branches may be difficult to reach for the elderly and physically impaired.Virtual banks solve these issues by being accessible and operable 24hours a day, 7 days a week. Further, with the development of smart phone applications, Virtual banks have become even more advantageous in terms of convenience and accessibility. With the creation of a bank application the customer can easily access his bank account balance with a touch on his phone. B. Higher Returns and Lower Transaction Fees Customers can benefit from competitive rates by bringing their business to virtual banks. Lower rates are offered on loans as well as higher returns on savings accounts and investments.Direct banks can afford to provide their customers with these advantages due to the reduction of overhea d costs caused by the elimination of branches and ATMs. These institutions spend significantly less on human resources and equipment than do traditional banks. In addition to competitive rates, virtual banks do not charge fees for financial transactions. A client may conduct an unlimited number of transfers, bill payments, deposits and withdrawals free of charge creating big savings for customers in turn. Compared to traditional banks, customers will pay less for more. C. Ease of UseThe ease of use of virtual banking products and services is another major benefit. This is facilitated by the clarity, design and value added features of the respective bank’s website. Opening an account can be easily done on the institutions’ website submitting all required documentation over the net. The steps for each desired transaction are included and help is provided upon request. Once familiar with the internet and website navigation, virtual banks are extremely easy to use. D. Envi ronmentally Friendly Finally, Online-only banks prove to be an eco friendly alternative to traditional institutions.Paper waste is almost entirely eliminated as all required documents are directly uploaded and submitted through the respective bank’s website. There is no longer the need for transportation lower fuel emitted by vehicles. Also, the elimination of branches and ATMs decrease requirements for technological equipment and thus lower energy consumption. Disadvantages Although the technological advancements of virtual banks have created much needed solutions for today’s banking industry, some of its benefits are offset by several drawbacks.These include; the lack of a personal experience, transaction problems, service issues, the learning curve and online security. A. Face-to-Face Banking Relationship Virtual banks eliminate the face-to-face relationship that is created in the traditional banking environment. Building a relationship with bank representatives suc h as account managers, loan officers or tellers facilitate the process in which customers fulfill banking needs and are important to many people. Bank representatives resolve issues such as changing terms in their banking agreements or reversing undeserved fees.As well, these representatives get to know their clients better, and are able to tailor the banking services to their unique needs and personal circumstances. B. Transaction problems Complex transactions or errors may require direct and timely assistance from bank representatives. A traditional bank can be called for support or a visit to the branch can quickly solve the issue at hand. Customers of virtual banks do not have the option of attaining timely aid, as this requires waiting on the phone for a representative in hopes of solving the issue at hand.C. Service Issues Another disadvantage stems from the lack of human resources amongst virtual banks. Regardless of accessibility, certain transactions may require signatures or stamps from a financial institution in order to be processed. These are transactions, which cannot be processed through a virtual bank. As well, traditional banks thrive on the provision of excellent customer service. This is a major factor in customer loyalty and retention as well the acquisition of new long-term client relationships.Virtual banks cannot compete on this matter as only standard services are provided to all clients equally over an impersonal online venue. D. Learning Curve Most of the individuals who visit a branch regularly will find the transition to virtual banks quite complex at first. This is due to the fact that virtual banking pages can be hard to navigate and might be complicated for those who are unfamiliar with the virtual bank page or the Internet in general. Consequently, time may be required for traditional bank users to adjust to this technologically advanced service.E. Online Security As a technological society, security has become a primary concern to all Internet users across the globe. Issues ranging from fraud to identity theft decrease consumer confidence in the Internet driven services offered in today’s economy. Virtual banks are governed by the same laws and regulations implemented by the FDIC within the traditional banking sector. Online banking accounts can be subject to hackers, phishing or malware that may disrupt processes or allow the processing of unauthorized activities within these accounts.Traditional banks offer solutions such as scanned copies of cleared checks to its clients in order to prevent fraud. Virtual banks cannot offer substantial record keeping measures as such to identify and prevent such interferences. Implementation of Virtual Banks in Canadian Banking System Given the advantages that online banks provide, it is widely believed that most of retail banking operations will be done through electronic means in the near future. Does that necessarily cause established banks in Canada to look outdated and force them to go out of business?In our point of view, those banks will remain the major players in the future and the only change that we believe is going to take place is the adaptation of these banks to changes in technology and emergence trends. Let’s recall the introduction of access cards in the banking system. Though this introduction brought a large amount of advantages with it, it was still confronted with considerable resistance. Today, we are to some extent in the same position. The trend of virtual banks is inevitably coming, but it also brings disadvantages into play, as previously discussed.Since it takes time for people to get comfortable with new innovations, banks can establish a plan with short and long term goals to accommodate the changes in the industry. We believe the plan below will help modernize the big banks in Canada towards the trend of Direct Banking. †¢ Create a parallel direct bank for the sole purpose of virtual banking Our fi rst suggested step is the creation of a banking line that solely operates online similar typical virtual banks. Customers are expected to move their funds from conventional accounts to the online-only accounts because of their convenience and advantages.The cost of maintaining such virtual accounts is considerably lower; hence banks can offer competitive rates as a tangible incentive for customers to switch to direct banking. †¢ Increase the number of ATM machines Banks should make it more convenient for their customers to access and deposit cash without having to go to a teller. ATM machines should be more available to stakeholders; either through direct investment of the bank or through outsourcing to one of the established ATM Machine providers operating in Canada.This was the strategy of American Direct Banks to ameliorate their service and attract even more customers. After all convenience is a key aspect clients look for when it comes to their banking choice. †¢ Redu ce the number of branches In order to meet required profit margins, and given the incurred expenses caused by the additional benefits they will be offering (more competitive rates), banks are expected to cut their costs. Since operations will take place in a virtual environment, brick and mortar branches will become less necessary.Banks at that point can start merging their branches and close-down others. Downsizing of some locations could also be an option. For the above plan to be successful, it is essential to monitor the change in consumer preferences and implement each step accordingly. After establishing a plan, it is essential to study the feasibility of it given the circumstances. The literacy rate in Canada has been 99% in 2003 and is close to perfect score nowadays (Gordon, 2003). Moreover, In 2010, close to 80% of Canadian households had access to the Internet (Statistics Canada Web, 2011).The country possesses one of the most advanced communication networks in the world making direct banking technically easy to introduce and more importantly, logical. References Canadian Bankers Association. How Canadians Bank. November 9, 2012. http://www. cba. ca/en/media-room/50-backgrounders-on-banking-issues/125-technology-and-banking. Accessed November 18th, 2012 Canadian Internet Use Survey, May 25th, 2011. Statistics Canada Web. http://www. statcan. gc. ca/daily-quotidien/110525/dq110525b-eng. htm, accessed November 18th, 2012. Gordon, Elaine H. Gordon, Edward E. (2003). Literacy in America: historic journey and contemporary solutions. New York: Praeger. p. 255. ISBN 0-275-97864-8. Investopedia. The Pros and Cons of Internet Banks. April 14, 2011. http://www. investopedia. com/articles/pf/11/benefits-and-drawbacks-of-internet-banks. asp. Accessed November 18th, 2012 Weisbaum, Herb. Looking for Better Rates? Visit a Virtual Bank. July 29, 2009. http://www. msnbc. msn. com/id/32206206/ns/business-consumer_news/t/looking-better-rates-visit-virtual-bank/#. U KRTuxzok1A. Accessed November 18th, 2012
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Raising Capital In Financial Markets And Institutions Finance Essay - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 10 Words: 2896 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Cause and effect essay Did you like this example? In the most general manner, one can describe financial markets as any marketplace that is associated with the participation of buyers and sellers in trading with financial instruments like equities, bonds, derivatives and other currencies. It is characteristic of financial markets to have a transparent pricing system. Even all forms of trading, costs and fees are based on certain regulations. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Raising Capital In Financial Markets And Institutions Finance Essay" essay for you Create order There are market forces that are related to determining the prices of all the securities that are used for trade. It is also very selective in nature to trade in financial markets. Only those participants who satisfy certain fixed criteria are allowed to do so. Such criteria could be in the form of amount of money that the participant holds, the geographic location of the investors and the amount of knowledge that the participants have of the market. These markets can be found all around the world. Some of the very famous financial markets are NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) and LSE (London Stock Exchange). The markets trade of the order of trillions of dollars every day. There are periods in every financial market where the prices rise to above the historical norms. In such periods heavy trading is done and here the demands for securities also increase incessantly. There are also periods where downturns occur. Under these situations, the prices go below a certain intrinsic value. Thi s value is based on certain factors like the low level of demands or some other factors of macroeconomic nature like tax rates, national production and also level of employment. Under all these situations, information is expected to be transparent hence resulting into a financial marketplace having a high degree of efficiency. (Financial Market, 2010) Raising Capital in Financial Markets In order to make a clear understanding of what financial markets are all about, it is also essential to know their use and the areas where the companies need to invest capital. It would be difficult for the borrowers to get money lent without the existence of financial markets. Here, the use of banks also comes into the picture. This is done in the form of loans and also in the form of mortgages. For the other, more complex transactions this process of borrowing and lending is done through the agents. One of the most well known examples of a financial market is stock exchange market. Here, every company is given the provision to raise money by virtue of issuing shares and also other shares which already exist, can be bought or sold as the case might be. Here there are four different types of users. They have been mentioned as follows: Lenders This is the category that has enough money so as to start with the liquidity process. This category of people gives money under the condition that it would get back the principal amount with a certain interest or charge at the decided time. Individuals and Doubles There are also lenders who lend money without knowing that they are doing so. This can be done in the following different ways: Putting money in a savings bank account Making contribution to a pension plan Giving premiums to get insured Investment in Government bonds Investment in shares of company Companies Companies also have a major role to play in financial markets. They generally tend to be borrowers of capital. During those times, when it is felt that the companies have a surplus amount of cash which is not needed for a particular small period of time, they distribute the same in shirt term markets called as money markets. In the list of companies that play a role in the financial markets, there are some companies that have really high cash flows. Such companies are considered to be lenders rather than borrowers. They can use buyback schemes to return cash to lenders. Under alternate circumstances, they can also seek to make more money by lending cash. Borrowers The nest category is that of borrowers. Under conditions of house purchase, there are many individuals who borrow money in the form of bankers loans or in the form of long term mortgages. There are also companies who borrow money so that it could be of aid in their cash flows whether in the short run or in the long run. This can also be done for a complete modernization or for future expansion plans of the company. There are Governments who borrow money when the tax revenues collected are more than what they have to spend. This difference makes them borrow. This borrowing is also done on behalf of certain industries that are nationalised, certain municipalities and some local authorities as well. This is done in the form of bonds. There are municipalities which themselves borrow to raise money in their own name or in that of a certain Government. Also, there are a number of number of public corporations which include a number of nationalised industries. This can also include postal services, railway companies and also some utility companies to name a few. Some borrowers also take money locally or through Forex (Foreign Exchange). (Assistance with capital market transactions, 2011) Derivative Products After the 1970s, financial markets saw a substantial rise in the derivatives section. It has to be understood that in form of trade in financial markets, which could be in the form of stock prices, bond prices, currency rates or dividend rates; there are always ups and down which have a capability to creating risks. Under the situations, derivatives are used to control risks or for a particular period they can also exploit risk. This is done under the concept of financial economics. The advantage of using derivatives is that it can generate certain unusual profits from the use of instruments in financial markets. A contract would have to be made in order to use such products. These contracts are mainly of three types: Future contracts, forward contracts ad also option contracts. (Derivative products, 2010) Types of Financial Markets Financial markets can be divided into various types. They have been mentioned as follows: Capital Markets: These financial markets are composed of Stock markets and bond markets. While stock markets are responsible for issue of common stock which can enable subsequent trading, bond markets are responsible for financing through issuing bonds and enable subsequent trading. Commodity Markets: This market is used for the trading of commodities which are more of a physical nature. Money Markets: This market as discussed above is used to provide financing and investment in the form of short term debts. Derivatives Market: This market provides instruments that are essential for management of financial risks. This has also been explained in the previous section. Futures Market: This market is related with providing standardized forward contracts which have a pre-defined trading date in the future. On many occasions, this has been referred as forward market. Insurance Mark et: This market is essential for the redistribution of a number of risks. This financial market also has a vital significance in the current corporate world. As a result a number of financial institutions are starting to trade in such markets. Foreign Exchange Market: This market is required for trading of foreign exchange. Also, talking more in detail about a capital market, it is composed of both primary and secondary market. All those securities which are newly formed are either bought or sold in primary market. As far as secondary market is concerned, here the investors are given an opportunity to sell securities that have been held for long or even to buy existing securities. Also, in a primary market, transactions basically take place between investors and public while in secondary markets, it takes place between investors only. (9 types of financial markets for capital raising, 2008) Analysis of Financial Markets From the time, this term has been coined, a lot of study has also been undertaken to study how prices vary from time to time. Of these various studies, the Dow Theory given by Charles Dow is of extreme significance. This is also called the technical analysis method to predict future changes in markets. This theory has deduced that the market trends indicate the future, for the short term if not for a long term. But, this theory has also been disputed on many occasions. Here, next change is not correlated to the last change. Also, it is important to study the scale of change in price over a unit of time. This is termed as volatility. It does not follow a Gaussian distribution but rather a Levy stable distribution. Here, the scale of change depends on the length of time unit to a power that is slightly greater than ÂÂ ½. Here, there are more chances of large changes either up or down as compared to what it would be by using the Gaussian distribution which has an estimated value of standard deviation. Today, one also needs to put interest in the proper analysis of international market effects. A global financial network can be a boon or a bane. So, one should make proper analysis of financial markets before making any decision. Financial Institutions Definition In the most general terms, a financial institution is that which is responsible for collecting funds. These funds are collected from the public and they are put in the form of financial assets. Assets could be various types. They are deposits, loans and also bonds. The major aim of a financial institution is the conversion of public money in these mentioned financial assets rather than in tangible property. Also, one very important aspect of a financial institution which is also worth noting is that it provides a number of financial services to the clients and its members. On many occasions, financial institutions also act as financial intermediaries. As this is a highly risky affair, most of the financial institutions are regulated by the Government. (Financial Institutions, 2010) Types of Financial Institutions There are broadly three types of financial institutions. These have been mentioned as under: The first of these are deposit-taking institutions which are responsible for accepting and managing deposits and also in making loans. They are of the type of banks, building societies, credit unions, trust companies and also mortgage loan companies. All these financial institutions have different functions. Distribution of such functions in these bodies makes it easier for the customers to make use of the functionalities that financial institutions have. In recent times, there has been a large degree of improvement in this respect. All financial markets that have been mentioned, take help of the deposit-taking institutions in order to run. Even money markets which have started to take effect nowadays run on the basis of the contributions of the deposit-taking institutions. The second category is that of the insurance companies and pension funds. Talking about the former first, one mu st have realized the consistent consciousness in the people of the society with respect to insurance. With technology developing, it has not only made the world look short but it has actually made the lives of people short. There are a number of reasons for which the people look for insurance. The need to security has increased more than ever. Under the conditions, a number of insurance companies have turned up these days. Many of the banks have also started their new division of financial institutions in the form of insurance companies. This is an example of the fact that companies have begun to see scope in the market and many new form of investing and financing options are coming up these days such as in the form if insurance companies. The other financial institution that has been mentioned here is pension funds. With the world, developing at a much accelerated rate, the provision of employment has also increased to a substantially large degree. As a result of this, many fresh c andidates are getting options to take part in the functioning of companies. Now, this has led to retirement as well both in the public and in the private sector. Though, there is no such generalized agreement in private companies for pension funds. But in case of public companies, this has developed into a financial institution. This has become more important to those stock markets where the number of institutional investors is large. Though the provision for the same is not very high in case of private institutions, one significant pension fund is TAPILTAT, which is the fund for mutual assistance of the Employees of Ioniki Bank and Other bank. It functions as a multi-employer auxiliary pension fund. This has its operations in Greece. A number of private institutions in UAE have been inspired by the ideologies of this plan and it is expected that in times to come, it would expand its reach. The third category is that of brokers, underwriters and investment funds. In this context, as the name suggests, a broker is that party which makes arrangements to have transactions between buyers and sellers. In return, it also gets commission at the execution of the deal between them. There are also brokers who act as sellers or buyers as a result of which they become the principal party to the deals. Also, there are distinguishing agents who act on behalf of the principals as defined here. In reference with financial institutions, a broker could be of the following types: Commodity Broker Customs Broker Insurance Broker Investment Broker Joint Venture Broker Mortgage Broker Options Broker Stock Broker Serviced office Broker As far as underwriting is concerned, many financial institutions such as banks, insurance companies and investment houses assess the ability of a customer to receive their financial product which could be in the form of insurance, mortgage or credit. Here, there are a number of financial underwriters who do accept some risk adverse ventures in exchange of a premium. Because of the green flag shown by the underwriters, such deals are also considered. Then, it becomes the responsibility of the underwriters to take care of the transaction. Also, there are three types of underwriting in this context. They are securities underwriting, bank underwriting and also insurance underwriting. In all these cases, the underwriters evaluate the risks that are associated with the same and bases on their evaluation, they draw conclusions on whether they can allow transactions. The final segment in this category is that of investment funds. This is more widely known in the form of collective investment schemes. Here, one can invest money alongside other investors so that one could have the advantage of working as a group. The advantages of this form of financial services include- hiring investment managers to improve the prospects of a better return, benefit from cost sharing (economies of scale) and there would be more diversity which would further reduce risks. The entire institution in this respect is broadly composed of: A fund manager A fund administrator A board of directors The Shareholders A marketing company for promotion (Private equity, 2010) Corporate Valuation In case of financial institutions, it is advised to use Equity Multiples rather than Enterprise Multiples. The reason is that the relative metrics used for the same are Price or Equity Price or Book Value. Valuing a financial institutions balance sheet is different from that of a non-financial institution. This can be seen as to consider the way an industrial firm handles its assets and the loans that it requires to finance that asset. In case of financial institutions, the line is blurred. These institutions must hold certain deposits in form of liabilities so that they could fuel the issuance of loans required to manage the assets. Here, three different models can be used for corporate valuation. They have been mentioned as follows: Dividend Discount Model: This model uses Earnings per share (EPS) or also Dividend per share (DPS). Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Model: Here, there is a basic requirement of a Free Cash Flow for Equity (FCFE). This is that amount of money which go es back to the shareholders. Now, one can calculate the Free Cash Flow to the Firm (FCFF) as: EBIT* (1-Tax rate) Capital Expenditures + (Depreciation Amortization) (Net increase in working capital). Also, FCFF- Debt + Cash = FCFE. Cost of equity is calculated by using the Capital Asset Pricing Model rather than the Weighted Average Cost of Capital. This is another reason for which one uses equity multiples rather than enterprise multiples which is used for calculation of the cost of equity. Excess Return Model: In using this model, one could calculate the total valuation as the sum of capital invested in the firm and the present value of dollar returns expected in the future. Regulation As far as financial institutions are concerned, they are generally operated in a highly regulated environment because they form a critical part of the economies of a company. The structure of the regulation is certainly different in every company but in most cases it does include prudential regulation and consumer protection along with market stability. There are some companies which go for a single body that takes care of regulating the financial institutions where are there are others which have separate agencies for the same. Some of the major regulating bodies of financial institutions have been mentioned as under: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council Office of the Comptroller Currency Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation National Credit Union Administration Federal Reserve Office of the Thrift Supervision (Regulations of Financial Institutions, 2008)
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