Monday, December 30, 2019
Well ordered directions to Get Traffic From Social Media Platforms - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 478 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/04/10 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Social Media Essay Did you like this example? Building a greater development for your blog requires some masterminding and a bit of affiliation especially by means of online systems administration media stages. The system incorporates some noteworthy traps and when you are on a spending it might be problematic to get the movement you wish to achieve by paid takes note. Clearly the online long range interpersonal communication advancing can help bolster your development yet what are the best channels to use and why use them. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Well ordered directions to Get Traffic From Social Media Platforms" essay for you Create order The more once in a while your substance is felt by means of electronic systems administration media the greater action you are most likely going to get. Here are a part of the methods you could use to assemble your development by means of electronic systems administration media stages. Solidify visuals in your presentation In numerous parts of life, beginning presentation is basic. The well used out announcement condemn externally does not have any noteworthy bearing for this circumstance. The early presentation generally empowers your social affair of individuals to settle on their first decision. The brain uses something like a hundredth of one minute to condemn an inquiry, the all the all the more captivating your presentation is on the vital look the better. Estimations show it, posts with visuals have 600% more duty than those with compositions in a manner of speaking. Make your acquaintances straightforward with offer Its human impulse to endeavor and move different people. The moreover hypnotizing and interfacing with your post is the more plausible it is to be shared. People furthermore like the path of least resistance so in case you put Plugins and web put together life gets with respect to your posts it will be an influential factor to your gathering of spectators to share your substance and in this manner extending your development. Using the open modules your gathering of spectators can share your substance without on a very basic level leaving the page. Upgrade your SEO capacities How your substance is clear and sharable isnt the main thing that is in any capacity critical. Your substance should in like manner be anything other than hard to discover and appear on web crawlers and web based life arranges adequately. Online detectable quality is crucial than the presentation itself. Over the long haul your development extends Vis-? -vis you get your moneys esteem. With everything considered your arrangement and convincing capacities in like manner matter concerning affirming a greater action for your online diaries. Beside the visuals, the SEO all around arranged substance and sharable substance, you should in like manner check out your groups perspective. Making a decent attempt can make your substance a saying. Always attract light of your get-together of individuals and keep who your adversary are. Their framework may better than yours creation your substance and capacities out of date taking off the arranged shocking for your log.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Literature And Composition Of Jane Eyre - 2903 Words
Summer Reading Assignment Name: Bunji Bayasgalan AP Literature and Composition Jane Eyre Before returning to school, you will need to read Jane Eyre and complete this organizer, which will guide your reading and prepare you for the quiz, discussions and related assignments. You may use this packet for the quiz. SECTION 1: Background Research The better you understand the Victorian era, the deeper your understanding of Jane’s experiences (and Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s themes) will be. Use the space below to record your notes on this era and on Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s life. Women’s roles and rights in Victorian England: ï ¬ Victorian England was very misogynistic therefore women did not have many roles and rights. ï ¬ Housemaids, governesses, housekeepers ï ¬ Had to be of high power/status in order to have some power Class structure in Victorian England: ï ¬ 3 substantial socials classes, distinguished by influence, fortune, working/living conditions, education, culture, and religion ï ¬ Upper class- held power over political issues. Denied both working and middle class any say in the political system. Owed much of success to trade ï ¬ Middle Class and Lower Class had significant differences. ï ¬ Lower Class were stuck in poverty and were identified as industrial workers. Education and the lives of children in Victorian England: ï ¬ Gender and social class determined education ï ¬ A governess taught boys until they reached the age to attend school. Girls were taught at home entirely or went to boardingShow MoreRelatedSummary of Value/Evaluation by Barbara Hernstein Smith Essay1268 Words  | 6 Pagesit distinct and incomparable, apart from any outside force. This concept of inherent value is further complicated, Smith asserts, when applied to literature. This elusive idea of there being something else once any practical or personal value is eliminated is what would presumably distinguish a great work of literature from some other, sub-literature category. This great work would produce some purely sensory/perceptualÂ…or some purely passive and intellectual gratification, independent of anyRead MoreMarxist Criticism On Charlotte Bronte s Jane Eyre1467 Words  | 6 PagesYair Guerrero Mrs. Jones AP Literature and Composition March 18, 2016 Marxist Criticism on Charlotte Brontà « s Jane Eyre Some novels will not let the reader escape the social setting, and Charlotte Brontà « s Jane Eyre is no acceptation. The author implements a symphony of details that strikes the reader as a full blown portrait of society. The novel s surroundings profoundly influence the thoughts, emotions, and actions of every character, which makes out the setting to be as important to theRead MoreEssay about Jane Eyre Ap Question861 Words  | 4 PagesTim Kwist AP English Literature and Composition Quinn April 1, 2013 Jane Eyre: AP Question Essay â€Å"Writers often highlight the values of a culture or a society by using characters who are alienated from that culture or society because of gender, race, or creed. Choose a play or novel in which such a character plays a significant role and show how that characters alienation reveals the surrounding societys assumptions and moral values.†Women who had no claim to wealth or beauty receivedRead More The Power of Great Expectations and Jane Eyre Essay example2110 Words  | 9 PagesThe Power of Great Expectations and Jane Eyre     Many novels have been written in many different eras. Each era has its `reform novel or piece of literature, or pieces of work that broke the mold. For the Greeks, it was Homers Odyssey; for the Renaissance, it was The Essays: Of Cannibals by Michel de Montaigne; for the Medieval era, it was Dante Alighieris Inferno. It was the same in the Victorian era, which ran from 1850 to about 1900. The reform authors were Charlotte Brontà «Read MoreTess vs Jane Eyre2678 Words  | 11 PagesThe Comparison between Jane Eyre and Tess Jane Eyre and Tess, two famous literary characters in the Victorian Period, there are many similarities and diversities between them. It is very helpful to do the paper work through studying theirs similarities and diversities. 4.1 The Comparison of theirs Background In Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre, the heroine’s family was very poor, and she lost both of her parents when she is very young, then she became an orphan girl and had to living relyRead MoreVictorian Values in Jane Eyre Essay2309 Words  | 10 PagesQueen Victory died in 1901. The Victorian Age is usually divided into three sub-periods: ul li Early Victorian period. li Mid-Victorian period. li Late Victorian period. /ul The period in which Charlotte Bront#235; wrote Jane Eyre (1847) was Early Victorian period, therefore that is the stage of history which I am going to analyze in my essay. The Early Victorian period (1832-1851) The Early Victorian period was a stage of social convulsions and deep transformationsRead MorePainting Analysis in Jane Eyre3436 Words  | 14 PagesDrawing a Breath of Fresh Eyre From the opening chapter of Charlotte Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s Jane Eyre the reader becomes aware of the powerful role that art plays. There is something extraordinary about the pictures Jane admires from other artists, as well as the work she creates herself. Her solitary pastime often operates as an outlet of pain, either past or present, and offers her the opportunity to deal with unpleasant emotions and memories. Jane’s art transcends her isolation by bringing her into contactRead MoreJane Eyre Essay3572 Words  | 15 PagesGleaden Word Count: 3238 Compare and contrast the ways in which Bronte and Rhys construct the adult selves of Jane and Antoinette and consider how this shapes their relationship with Rochester. Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea present the childhoods and later lives of two women, who similarly marry the complex character, Mr. Rochester. Both begin their lives as outsiders, Jane because of economic differences to the rest of her family and Antoinette because of racial distinctions to the restRead MorePsychoanalysis : Abraham Maslow s Hierarchy Of Needs1890 Words  | 8 PagesAlex Reuter Mrs. Hollandsworth A.P Literature and Composition 15 September 2014 Psychoanalysis in Jane Abraham Harold Maslow is his name and psychology is his game. Abraham Maslow, an evolutionary psychologist was not well treated as a young child. His mom would put a lock on the refrigerator and only take it off when she felt like it, and his dad would publicly announce that Maslow was ugly. Despite these challenges, Maslow made the decision to make a difference in peoples lives. For this reasonRead MoreEssay on The Struggle for Acceptance in The Cider House Rules1711 Words  | 7 Pages      Unfortunately, not all of The Cider House Rules is responsible. At times it waxes dramatic, at others, purely disgusting. I fear that some of Irving’s audience was lost when Larch’s first â€Å"love†came in with a uterus â€Å"with the composition and texture of Muenster Cheese,†or the image of the failed abortion which failed to eject the fetus, which will be omitted in an effort to remain PG-13. To give credit where it is due, the imagery is well researched and rehearsed. In order
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Everything That Rises Must Converge by Flannery O Connors Free Essays
In Flannery O†Connors†â€Å"Everything That Rises Must Converge†, the character of Julian sees his mother as racist and narrow-minded due to her sheltered upbringing and lack of knowledge and education of the black struggle for equality. He feels that due to his education that he has a higher understanding of social structure and inequality that his mother lacks, and he loathes her for this reason. However, despite his higher education, he still depends on his mother for financial support even as a grown man, and has a repressed emotional dependency on her. We will write a custom essay sample on Everything That Rises Must Converge by Flannery O Connors or any similar topic only for you Order Now This is the inner character conflict that Julian faces. In reality, Julian is as facetious and narrow-minded as his mother, he simply refuses to come to terms with this harsh reality, and as a result he plays off his own inadequacies and shallowness on his mother, by criticizing her and having a negative and depressing view of her. He must come to terms with his repressed dependency on his mother and deep-seeded feelings of failure and personal inadequacy. Unfortunately, it takes the event of his mother†s stroke to realize that Julian must take care and depend on himself, and realize that he and his mother are almost identical in their social views and failures. The first instance of Julian†s facetiousness is seen on the walk to the bus station with his mother on their way to her weight reducing class. His mother finds herself on the topic of the recent African American civil rights movement, and how she remembers when she lived in the south on a rich plantation with two hundred slaves. Julian tells her to stop talking about it, showing his non-racist and modern views, unlike his mother. However, he finds himself thinking of how the old plantation house must have looked before it became run down and abandoned, â€Å"Negroes were living in it. But it remained in his mind as his mother had known it. It appeared in his dreams regularly†(O†Connor 1082). He fantasizes about the plantation mansion†s glory days, an obvious example of how his external behavior is different than his inner true feelings and wishes. As Booth illustrates, â€Å"what kind of man is it, we ask, who always belies his true feelings? His life is full of such contradictions†(1634). Julian lies to himself to cover his true self, that of a shallow failure. Then, after Julian and his mother get on the bus, a second instance of his inner-failure and true pathetic character is demonstrated. Despite his supposed high education and writing talent, he depends on his mother for money and shelter, and sells typewriters. His mother is shown on the same parallel of facetiousness as she comments on the bus to another passenger, â€Å"He wants to write but he†s selling typewriters until he gets started . . .. I tell him that Rome wasn†t built in a day†(O†Conner 1084). Despite the obvious personal failure, despite a college education is denied internally by Julian and externally by his mother, playing off Julian†s failure as taking his time. Julian pushes out his failure when put on the spot by entering a â€Å"mental bubble in which he established himself . . . From it he could see out and judge but in it was safe from any kind of penetration from without†(O†Connor 1084). Julian goes on to daydream about various scenarios that he could upset his mother by bringing an African-American into there lives, such as dating a black woman, further punctuating his false belief of racial equality using blacks as experiments. A second instance of Julian†s repressed racism is seen when an African-American man enters the bus and Julian attempts to engage him in conversation to spite his mother, however, this action shows that Julian really does not view African Americans as people. Despite his assertions of social awareness, he views blacks as guinea pigs to be used to test his mother†s tolerance of his actions. When a second African-American enters the bus, this time a woman with a child, the final instance of Julian†s insecurities and dependencies is realized. Upon exiting the bus Julian†s mother insists upon giving the African-American woman†s child a penny. This may be seen as a gesture of condescension, or that she thinks the black mother and child are poor, but in reality, it seems to simply be a friendly gesture she would do to any child, despite color. The black woman snaps in return, shouting at Julian†s mother that her child does not take money from anyone. This shock of rejection from an African-American causes her stroke, and in return, Julians epiphany. After he realizes what has happened, he comes to terms with his failures and dependency, he discovers he truly loves his mother, he shouts, â€Å"Darling, sweetheart, wait! â€Å"(O†Connor 1091). He then enters a world of â€Å"guilt and sorrow†(O†Connor 1091). His previous thoughts that he had no emotional dependency on his mother, that he was superior to her, are shattered in his realization of his true self. His journey to self-identity is complete, and he must now care for at least his mother, but most importantly, himself. How to cite Everything That Rises Must Converge by Flannery O Connors, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
One Word That Describes Me Sample Essay Example For Students
One Word That Describes Me Sample Essay What’s one word that describes you? That’s the inquiry everyone has been inquiring me recently. Honestly. I have no thought. It’s non something that I can reply in one second. but is something that took me at least a twenty-four hours to eventually make up ones mind. My household would’ve called me timid ages ago. nevertheless. now they would about name me surpassing. My friends all say I’m amusing and capricious and people I meet when at my occupation would state I’m one of the most pleasant people they’ve met in a long clip. I. myself. believe that one word to depict me is adventuresome. You may inquire how or what are you speaking about? Even my closest of friends questioned my pick. I. on the other manus. cognize precisely what I’m speaking approximately. For the past few old ages I’ve done a kayaking trip through Girl Scouts. One twelvemonth I kayaked the Chippewa Flowage. I had to accommodate to that really rapidly. from larning how to kayak. to being able to put up cantonment. and cook for myself. The following twelvemonth I kayaked the Namekagon River. This past summer I kayaked the Apostle Islands. I’ve experienced many different elements of kayaking: lakes. rivers. 3 pes moving ridges. and island hopping. During my Apostle Island trip I had the chance to turn over my kayak. For those who don’t know what peal is. it is where you toss your kayak over and go on to turn over it back up so you come back up to where you began. What an experience! During my kayaking trips I got a opportunity to research where we happened to be remaining that dark. I found old creaky school. a house. and even two old autos left on the island. I frequently got yelled at for traveling off on my ain. because cipher wanted to come with me. My alibi to travel explore was that I was out finding firewood and ended coming back with less than I should hold for how long I was gone. I merely loved finding things that were left behind by those who lived there earlier. If there was something in my manner. I didn’t allow it acquire the best of me. It’s what I’m into and what makes me who I am. Even at my ain place. I can be one adventuresome miss. One twenty-four hours. out of the blue. I decided to take person who’s neer canoed before out canoeing for 2 hours. We had a blast and we even stopped to research an island in the center of the lake. One twenty-four hours I besides went tubing down a river. Not everyone would make that on a caprice. I even went on a short hiking through the forests behind my house. Sometimes. I even sit my motorcycle through trails merely meant for hike. If you doubted me before. make you now? I didn’t think so. This is decidedly non the lone thing that makes me who I am today. but it is one chief trait that does. You can be that colourful. animated individual you are and I’ll be who I am ; an adventuresome miss that is adaptable in merely about any state of affairs.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
The Wow free essay sample
Question: Give a brief account of an experience that has influenced your opinions or attitudes. Standing on the rough block, I peered down through the fog collected in my goggles at the grimy surface of the water below me, waiting. The buzzer sounded, an obnoxious beep that instinctively told me to lean forward and grab the edge of the starting block. I hated everything about races. In these final seconds before I dove, I pitied myself. I didn’t want to plunge headfirst through the thin layer of debris on the water’s surface. I didn’t want to fling myself forward, a steady stream of directions racing through my head as I put myself through torture. I didn’t want to give everything I had simply to get nothing back. In truth, I didn’t want anything to do with swimming. When I started swimming two years ago, it had been solely for my own pleasure; in ten months I learned the strokes, joined a club team, and made the varsity swim team as a high school freshman. We will write a custom essay sample on The Wow or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Slowly but surely, I started seeing the effects. Wet towels strewn across my floor, damp sheets smelling of chlorine, dead hair from endless hours in the poolâ€â€all were signs of an intruder creeping its way into my life. Eventually, even I began to believe the impossible: I was a swimmer. With competitions devouring my weekends and practice dominating my weeks, my new identity left no time for me to do what I really loved. When I had reluctantly taken up swimming, I promised myself that I would never join a team, but I did. I promised myself I would never give up theater for a sport that I did not even enjoy, but I did. I promised myself I would not make sacrifices, but I did. Gone were the days when I could audition for plays, write stories, or create scripts of my ownâ€â€my days were taken over by the mysterious new role I belly-flopped into. This particular race was the 100-meter butterfly, and as I settled into the sprint, I could feel myself flying. Pulling, launching, and propelling forward, I finally grazed the final wall with my outstretched fingers, lifting my head to the deafening roar of my teammates. Not only had I won the race, but I also achieved a personal best, cutting nearly eleven seconds off of my best time. I waited for the elation. I waited for the excitement, the relief, and the joy. I waited for any bit of emotion. I waited, but emptiness remained. No feeling of pride adorned my face, no smile escaped my lipsâ€â€I felt nothing. Closing my eyes, I tried to remember what it felt like to love. To this day, I remember the feeling the first time I stepped onstage. My mind raced. My heart fluttered. Everything stopped for those few moments when my lines were the most important, my voice the only noise filling the room. I had that feeling that only comes with true joy, the feeling in my heart that I belonged. Walking offstage, there was just one word to describe the breathlessness: wow. Floating in the water surrounded by my cheering teammates, I waited for my wow moment, my proof that all the hard work was worth it, but something was missing. When auditioning for the musical this year, my director shared with us a small piece of consoling advice, â€Å"Sometimes even the best actors don’t fit a part.†Through those ten months of swimming, that is just what I was doingâ€â€playing a role I simply didn’t fit. When my teammates congratulated me and asked me how I felt, I couldn’t help but think, â€Å"What’s my line?†I had been acting all along. No matter how hard I tried to fit the role of a dedicated athlete, I couldn’t make myself love something that was not truly a part of me. That race was my last, and since then I have indulged myself in theater, finally in the role that fits me perfectly. I am not the best actress and I am not always the lead, but when I stand among my fellow cast members, I know I am the most passionate actress. I am the actress most in love with her roles, and in that moment, I embrace myself for who I am: a theater junkie, a drama fiend, and a m usic buff. I used to believe that happiness came from being the best at everythingâ€â€but in truth, it is just the opposite. Being the best comes from being happy with everything you do. Swimming taught me to be a teammate and a competitor, but acting taught me to stop wasting time with things I don’t absolutely love. In the end, no one remembers the races they won or the roles they received. All they remember is the wow.
Monday, November 25, 2019
19th-Century Military History
19th-Century Military History The documentation of military history begins with the battle near Basra, Iraq, circa 2700 B.C., between Sumer, now known as Iraq, and Elam, called Iran today. Learn about wars of invasion, revolutions, wars of independence, and others, and track the guideline below to learn more about military history. Military History February 9, 1801 - French Revolutionary Wars: The War of the Second Coalition ends when the Austrians and French sign the Treaty of Lunà ©ville April 2, 1801 - Vice Admiral Lord Horatio Nelson wins the Battle of Copenhagen May 1801 - First Barbary War: Tripoli, Tangier, Algiers, and Tunis declare war on the United States March 25, 1802 - French Revolutionary Wars: Fighting between Britain and France ends with the Treaty of Amiens May 18, 1803 - Napoleonic Wars: Fighting resumes between Britain and France January 1, 1804 - Haitian Revolution: The 13-year war ends with the declaration of Haitian independence February 16, 1804 - First Barbary War: American sailors sneak into Tripoli harbor and burn the captured frigate USS Philadelphia March 17, 1805 - Napoleonic Wars: Austria joins the Third Coalition and declares war on France, with Russia joining a month later June 10, 1805 - First Barbary War: The conflict ends when a treaty is signed between Tripoli and the United States October 16-19, 1805 - Napoleonic Wars: Napoleon is victorious at the Battle of Ulm October 21, 1805 - Napoleonic Wars: Vice Admiral Nelson crushes the combined Franco-Spanish fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar December 2, 1805 - Napoleonic Wars: The Austrians and Russians are crushed by Napoleon at the Battle of Austerlitz December 26, 1805 - Napoleonic Wars: The Austrians sign the Treaty of Pressburg, ending the War of the Third Coalition February 6, 1806 - Napoleonic Wars: The Royal Navy wins the Battle of San Domingo Summer 1806 - Napoleonic Wars: The Fourth Coalition of Prussia, Russia, Saxony, Sweden, and Britain is formed to fight France October 15, 1806 - Napoleonic Wars: Napoleon and French forces defeat the Prussians at the Battles of Jena and Auerstdt February 7-8, 1807 - Napoleonic Wars: Napoleon and Count von Bennigsen fight to a draw at the Battle of Eylau June 14, 1807 - Napoleonic Wars: Napoleon routs the Russians at the Battle of Friedland, forcing Tsar Alexander to sign the Treaty of Tilsit that effectively ended the War of the Fourth Coalition June 22, 1807 - Anglo-American Tensions: HMS Leopard fires on USS Chesapeake after the American ship refused to be allowed to be searched for British deserters May 2, 1808 - Napoleonic Wars: The Peninsular War begins in Spain when the citizens of Madrid rebel against French occupation August 21, 1808 - Napoleonic Wars: Lt. Gen. Sir Arthur Wellesley defeats the French at the Battle of Vimeiro January 18, 1809 - Napoleonic Wars: British forces evacuate northern Spain after the Battle of Corunna April 10, 1809 - Napoleonic Wars: Austria and Britain begin the War of the Fifth Coalition April 11-13, 1809 - Napoleonic Wars: The Royal Navy wins the Battle of the Basque Roads June 5-6, 1809 - Napoleonic Wars: The Austrians are defeated by Napoleon at the Battle of Wagram October 14, 1809 - Napoleonic Wars: The Treaty of Schà ¶nbrunn ends the War of the Fifth Coalition in a French victory May 3-5, 1811 - Napoleonic Wars: British and Portuguese forces hold at the Battle of Fuentes de Oà ±oro March 16-April 6, 1812 - Napoleonic Wars: The Earl of Wellington lays siege to the city of Badajoz June 18, 1812 - War of 1812: The United States declares war on Britain, beginning the conflict June 24, 1812 - Napoleonic Wars: Napoleon and the Grande Armà ©e cross the Neman River, beginning the invasion of Russia August 16, 1812 - War of 1812: British forces win the Siege of Detroit August 19, 1812 - War of 1812: USS Constitution captures HMS Guerriere to give the United States the first naval victory of the war September 7, 1812 - Napoleonic Wars: The French defeat the Russians at the Battle of Borodino September 5-12, 1812 - War of 1812: American forces hold out during the Siege of Fort Wayne December 14, 1812 - Napoleonic Wars: After a long retreat from Moscow, the French army leaves Russian soil January 18-23, 1812 - War of 1812: American forces are beaten at the Battle of Frenchtown Spring 1813 - Napoleonic Wars: Prussia, Sweden, Austria, Britain, and a number of the German states form the Sixth Coalition to take advantage of Frances defeat in Russia April 27, 1813 - War of 1812: American forces win the Battle of York April 28-May 9, 1813 - War of 1812: The British are repulsed at Siege of Fort Meigs May 2, 1813 - Napoleonic Wars: Napoleon defeats Prussian and Russian forces at the Battle of Là ¼tzen May 20-21, 1813 - Napoleonic Wars: Prussian and Russian forces are beaten at the Battle of Bautzen May 27, 1813 - War of 1812: American forces land and capture Fort George June 6, 1813 - War of 1812: American troops are beaten at the Battle of Stoney Creek June 21, 1813 - Napoleonic Wars: British, Portuguese, and Spanish forces under Sir Arthur Wellesley defeat the French at the Battle of Vitoria August 30, 1813 - Creek War: Red Stick warriors conduct the Fort Mims Massacre September 10, 1813 - War of 1812: U.S. naval forces under Commodore Oliver H. Perry defeat the British at the Battle of Lake Erie October 16-19, 1813 - Napoleonic Wars: Prussian, Russian, Austrian, Swedish, and German troops defeat Napoleon at the Battle of Leipzig October 26, 1813 - War of 1812: American forces are held at the Battle of the Chateauguay November 11, 1813 - War of 1812: American troops are beaten at the Battle of Cryslers Farm August 30, 1813 - Napoleonic Wars: Coalition forces defeat the French at the Battle of Kulm March 27, 1814 - Creek War: Maj. Gen. Andrew Jackson wins the Battle of Horseshoe Bend March 30, 1814 - Napoleonic Wars: Paris falls to coalition forces April 6, 1814 - Napoleonic Wars: Napoleon abdicates and is exiled to Elba by the Treaty of Fontainebleau July 25, 1814 - War of 1812: American and British forces fight the Battle of Lundys Lane August 24, 1814 - War of 1812: After defeating American forces at the Battle of Bladensburg, British troops burn Washington, D.C. September 12-15, 1814 - War of 1812: British forces are defeated at the Battle of North Point and Fort McHenry December 24, 1814 - War of 1812: The Treaty of Ghent is signed, ending the war January 8, 1815 - War of 1812: Unaware that the war has ended, Gen. Andrew Jackson wins the Battle of New Orleans March 1, 1815 - Napoleonic Wars: Landing at Cannes, Napoleon returns to France beginning the Hundred Days after escaping from exile June 16, 1815 - Napoleonic Wars: Napoleon wins his final victory at the Battle of Ligny June 18, 1815 - Napoleonic Wars: Coalition forces led by the Duke of Wellington (Arthur Wellesley) defeat Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo, ending the Napoleonic Wars August 7, 1819 - Wars of South American Independence: Gen. Simon Bolivar defeats Spanish forces in Colombia at the Battle of Boyaca March 17, 1821 - Greek War of Independence: The Maniots at Areopoli declare war on the Turks, beginning the Greek War of Independence 1825 - Java War: Fighting begins between the Javanese under Prince Diponegoro and Dutch colonial forces October 20, 1827 - Greek War of Independence: An allied fleet defeats the Ottomans at the Battle of Navarino 1830 - Java War: The conflict ends in a Dutch victory after Prince Diponegoro is captured April 5-August 27, 1832 - Blackhawk War: U.S. troops defeat an alliance of Native American forces in Illinois, Wisconsin, and Missouri October 2, 1835 - Texas Revolution: The war begins with a Texan victory at the Battle of Gonzales December 28, 1835 - Second Seminole War: Two companies of U.S. soldiers under Maj. Francis Dade are massacred by the Seminoles in the first action of the conflict March 6, 1836 - Texas Revolution: After 13 days of siege, the Alamo falls to Mexican forces March 27, 1839 - Texas Revolution: Texan prisoners of war are executed at the Goliad Massacre April 21, 1836 - Texas Revolution: The Texan army under Sam Houston defeats the Mexicans at the Battle of San Jacinto, winning independence for Texas December 28, 1836 - War of the Confederation: Chile declares war on the Peru-Bolivian Confederation, beginning the conflict December 1838 - First Afghan War: A British army unit under Gen. William Elphinstone marches into Afghanistan, starting the war August 23, 1839 - First Opium War: British forces capture Hong Kong in the opening days of the war August 25, 1839 - War of the Confederation: Following defeat at the Battle of Yungay, the Peru-Bolivian Confederation is dissolved, ending the war January 5, 1842 - First Afghan War: Elphinstones army is destroyed as it retreats from Kabul August 1842 - First Opium War: After winning a string of victories, the British force the Chinese to sign the Treaty of Nanjing January 28, 1846 - First Anglo-Sikh War: British forces defeat the Sikhs at the Battle of Aliwal April 24, 1846 - Mexican-American War: Mexican forces rout a small U.S. cavalry detachment in the Thornton Affair May 3-9, 1846 - Mexican-American War: American forces hold out during the Siege of Fort Texas May 8-9, 1846 - Mexican-American War: U.S. forces under Brig. Gen. Zachary Taylor defeat the Mexicans at the Battle of Palo Alto and the Battle of Resaca de la Palma February 22, 1847 - Mexican-American War: After capturing Monterrey, Taylor defeats Mexican Gen. Antonio Là ³pez de Santa Anna at the Battle of Buena Vista March 9-September 12, 1847 - Mexican-American War: Landing at Vera Cruz, U.S. forces led by Gen. Winfield Scott conduct a brilliant campaign and capture Mexico City, effectively ending the war April 18, 1847 - Mexican-American War: American troops win the Battle of Cerro Gordo August 19-20, 1847 - Mexican-American War: The Mexicans are routed at the Battle of Contreras August 20, 1847 - Mexican-American War: U.S. forces triumph at the Battle of Churubusco September 8, 1847 - Mexican American War: American forces win the Battle of Molino del Rey Septebmer 13, 1847 - Mexican-American War: U.S. troops capture Mexico City after the Battle of Chapultepec March 28, 1854 - Crimean War: Britain and France declare war on Russia in support of the Ottoman Empire September 20, 1854 - Crimean War: British and French forces win the Battle of Alma September 11, 1855 - Crimean War: After an 11-month siege, the Russian port of Sevastopol falls to British and French troops March 30, 1856 - Crimean War: The Treaty of Paris ends the conflict October 8, 1856 - Second Opium War: Chinese officials board the British ship Arrow, leading to the outbreak of hostilities October 6, 1860 - Second Opium War: Anglo-French forces capture Beijing, effectively ending the war April 12, 1861 - American Civil War: Confederate forces open fire on Fort Sumter, beginning the Civil War June 10, 1861 - American Civil War: Union troops are beaten at the Battle of Big Bethel July 21, 1861 - American Civil War: In the first major battle of the conflict, Union forces are defeated at Bull Run August 10, 1861 - American Civil War: Confederate forces win the Battle of Wilsons Creek August 28-29, 1861 - American Civil War: Union forces capture Hatteras Inlet during the Battle of Hatteras Inlet Batteries October 21, 1861 - American Civil War: Union troops are beaten at the Battle of Balls Bluff November 7, 1861 - American Civil War: Union and Confederate forces fight the inconclusive Battle of Belmont November 8, 1861 - American Civil War: Capt. Charles Wilkes removed two Confederate diplomats from RMS Trent, inciting the Trent Affair January 19, 1862 - American Civil War: Brig. Gen. George H. Thomas wins the Battle of Mill Springs February 6, 1862 - American Civil War: Union forces capture Fort Henry February 11-16, 1862 - American Civil War: Confederate forces are defeated at the Battle of Fort Donelson February 21, 1862 - American Civil War: Union forces are beaten at the Battle of Valverde March 7-8, 1862 - American Civil War: Union troops win the Battle of Pea Ridge March 9, 1862 - American Civil War: USS Monitor fights CSS Virginia in the first battle between ironclads March 23, 1862 - American Civil War: Confederate troops are defeated at the First Battle of Kernstown March 26-28, 1862 - American Civil War: Union forces successfully defend New Mexico at the Battle of Glorieta Pass April 6-7, 1862 - American Civil War: Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant is surprised, but wins the Battle of Shiloh April 5-May 4, 1862 - American Civil War: Union troops conduct the Siege of Yorktown April 10-11, 1862 - American Civil War: Union forces capture Fort Pulaski April 12, 1862 - American Civil War: The Great Locomotive Chase takes place in northern Georgia April 25, 1862 - American Civil War: Flag Officer David G. Farragut captures New Orleans for the Union May 5, 1862 - American Civil War: The Battle of Williamsburg is fought during the Peninsula Campaign May 8, 1862 - American Civil War: Confederate and Union troops clash at the Battle of McDowell May 25, 1862 - American Civil War: Confederate troops win the First Battle of Winchester June 8, 1862 - American Civil War: Confederate forces win the Battle of Cross Keys in the Shenandoah Valley June 9, 1862 - American Civil War: Union forces lose the Battle of Port Republic June 25, 1862- American Civil War: Forces meet at the Battle of Oak Grove June 26, 1862 - American Civil War: Union troops win the Battle of Beaver Dam Creek (Mechanicsville) June 27, 1862 - American Civil War: Confederate forces overwhelm the Union V Corps at the Battle of Gaines Mill June 29, 1862 - American Civil War: Union troops fight the inconclusive Battle of Savages Station June 30, 1862 - American Civil War: Union forces hold at the Battle of Glendale (Fraysers Farm) July 1, 1862 - American Civil War: The Seven Days Battles ends with a Union victory at the Battle of Malvern Hill August 9, 1862 - American Civil War: Maj. Gen. Nathaniel Banks is defeated at the Battle of Cedar Mountain August 28-30, 1862 - American Civil War: Gen. Robert E. Lee wins a stunning victory at the Second Battle of Manassas September 1, 1862 - American Civil War: Union and Confederate forces fight the Battle of Chantilly September 12-15, 1862 - American Civil War: Confederate troops win the Battle of Harpers Ferry September 15, 1862 - American Civil War: Union forces triumph at the Battle of South Mountain September 17, 1862 - American Civil War: Union forces win a strategic victory at the Battle of Antietam September 19, 1862 - American Civil War: Confederate forces are beaten at the Battle of Iuka October 3-4, 1862 - American Civil War: Union forces hold at the Second Battle of Corinth October 8, 1862 - American Civil War: Union and Confederate forces clash in Kentucky at the Battle of Perryville December 7, 1862 - American Civil War: Armies fight the Battle of Prairie Grove in Arkansas December 13, 1862 - American Civil War: The Confederates win the Battle of Fredericksburg December 26-29, 1862 - American Civil War: Union forces are held at the Battle of Chickasaw Bayou December 31, 1862-January 2, 1863 - American Civil War: Union and Confederate forces clash at the Battle of Stones River May 1-6, 1863 - American Civil War: Confederate forces win a stunning victory at the Battle of Chancellorsville May 12, 1863 - American Civil War: Confederate forces are beaten at the Battle of Raymond during the Vicksburg Campaign May 16, 1863 - American Civil War: Union forces win a key victory at the Battle of Champion Hill May 17, 1863 - American Civil War: Confederate forces are beaten at the Battle of Big Black River Bridge May 18-July 4, 1863 - American Civil War: Union troops conduct the Siege of Vicksburg May 21-July 9, 1863 - American Civil War: Union troops under Maj. Gen. Nathaniel Banks conduct the Siege of Port Hudson June 9, 1863 - American Civil War: Cavalry forces fight the Battle of Brandy Station July 1-3, 1863 - American Civil War: Union forces under Maj. Gen. George G. Meade win the Battle of Gettysburg and turn the tide in the East
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Gym Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Gym - Assignment Example The gendered nature of space in the gym accommodates all the participants regardless of their gender. Some of the apparatus and equipment found in the gym are parallel bars, running paths, fencing gallery, weights and jumping boards that support and favor all the gender. Some sections however is gender specific, for instance, the weight lifting sector of the gym is a specific reserve for the masculine gender. The feminine nature, on the other hand, is mostly favored by the aerobics section of the gym that requires comparatively less effort. Diverse facilities are visible in the gym like nautilus studio line of a pin-loaded weight. The equipment has design specifications for the feminine gender. It requires the use of little effort hence favoring the females mostly. The equipment is suitable for the feminine gender since it requires less strenuous energy that the society perceives the females to possess. On the other hand, larger heavier weights designed for the masculine gender are present. The equipment requires the use of comparably more effort hence not favorable for the feminine gender. The society perceives the masculine gender as being stronger capable of withstanding the strenuous energy that such like equipment require. Nguyen in the article, ‘’You Say You Want A Revolution,’’ highlights Moallem’s argument on how instabilities are visible in the histories of forced unveiling and forced veiling. The two marks particular historical and political moments in India. The police got authorization to unveil women in the street forcibly. The women donned such unveil during the lead up to the rebellion as a noticeable action of defiance against Shah’s crooked and brutal rule. Moallem’s case is a depiction of the gendered nature of space in the gyms presented above. The gyms trace a long history of male dominance with the feminine
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The importance of the theologian Tertullian Essay
The importance of the theologian Tertullian - Essay Example Tertullian considered that Heretics were altering the religious teachings and scriptures to fulfill their personal desires, which is leading people towards corruption and confusion about religion and its core believes. He has mentioned it in his treatise of De Praescriptione Haereticorum, in which he defends the Rule of Faith. He argues that religion is not a source to attain material goals and comfort, but a path towards finding oneself and the reason of their existence. Hence, it cannot be guided by an individual who is seeking religion in terms of materialism (Barnes). The prevailing concept of the church being a place only assigned, or prayers was also modified by Tertullian, and describes in his Apology that it is not just a place of worship but attaining wisdom and social integration. In his later works gathered in De Carne Christi, he enlightened the concept of ‘substance’ and ‘person’, explaining how a being can be material and spiritual at the same time. Explaining this notion he addresses the authorities of God, Spirit of God and the Son of God. He exemplifies that as one person can have right over different substances, similarly Jesus Christ has the right over both humanity and divinity, and both exist in equality (Roberts). This paper will deal with Tertullian ideology of Penitential discipline, the church doctrine and his contributions for ethical and moral correction of the people. The paper also aims to provide authentic information about his contribution in forming the Latin vocabulary developing the terminologies of Trinitarian theology and Christology. 1. Trinitarian Theology Trinity defines the core concept of substance and person, illuminating that that there are three divine persons, not one, and one substance not three. The three persons are The God, The Spirit of God and Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God. All the three exist in eternity and entirety and are distinct to other, yet possess the same substance. The refore, all can be considered as God or divine in autonomy (Morrison). Tertullian explains this concept as discussed by Osborn (1997). that the kingdom of God is not suppressed but supported by the son of God. He describes that God’s monarchy is balanced by the Son of God and not in any ways threatened or distributed (Osborn). He explains that there is an economy of divinity, which is possible to maintain only if the divinity is practiced in both natural and supernatural forms. God is one who has created the entire universe and all creations; the Son of God is the protector and presenter of God, while the Spirit of God is the procedure of creation and protecting. Therefore, Tertullian states that, for the existence of God’s monarchy, the co-existence of the Son of God and the Spirit of god is equally important, and they are not dependent but related to each other (Morrison). In explaining the theology of Trinity, Tertullian in his doctrines, also throws light to the On eness and Corporeity of God. He rejects the concept of Marcion of dual God that is one of the Old Testament and one of the New Testament. In his argument to this, he lays the foundation of God as the supreme Authority. If He has someone equal
Monday, November 18, 2019
Health Research Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Health Research Methods - Essay Example In youth, physical inactivity has been identified as an important predictor of excess weight gain. Concurrent with increases in overweight and obesity, physical activity has decreased among children and adolescents. During middle and high school years, marked declines in physical activity have been observed, particularly among girls, regardless of race. One reason for the decline in physical activity in the childhood may be the reduction of physical education in schools. In the developed world, increasing use of computers and television also markedly decrease children's activity level. As a result of this, while many children get little to no physical activity, even those who meet current recommended activity guidelines may still not be exercising sufficiently (Ebbelling, Pawlak, and Ludwig, 2002, 473-482). The degree of obesity in children cannot be assessed by any classification as it is done in case of adults. In case of children, it is expressed traditionally by percentile measures. Children who have a body mass index (BMI) between 85th and 95th percentile are considered at risk for overweight, and those who are at greater than 95th percentile are considered overweight. ... as been elucidated that worldwide, there has been a trend towards increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity in children, and this could lead to a increased predisposition to metabolic syndrome and related complications. Overweight children more often become overweight adults, and as increases, this poses serious risk for health (Freedman et al., 2004, 10-16). Obesity has been known to be associated with and sometimes causative of serious medical complications in the adult life, which can be sequelae of the childhood obesity. Moreover, serious medical complications of obesity may lead to enhanced mortality in children (Lobstein and Frelut, 2003, 195-200). Therefore monitoring the prevalence and preventing them childhood becomes an important question. Since prevention has been recognised to be the best form of intervention in obesity in childhood, it is important to find out the risk factors that may be associated with childhood obesity. Current evidence from existing research suggests that primary or idiopathic obesity in children has been linked with nutritional factors right from the formula feeding to caloric intake, nutritional balance, food groups, physical activity, and many other factors (Cuttler, Whittaker, and Kodish, 2003, 722-724). Therefore interventions in these areas to curb the risk factors would be able to improve the obesity status of the children in the community. Research Question: Based on this hypothesis, an appropriate study can be designed that can investigate the effects on risk factor interventions in obese children in order to answer the question can risk factor modification interventions be effective in reducing obesity in a study population comprising of children Aims: To investigate the short-term and long-term effects of risk factor
Friday, November 15, 2019
Analysis of The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton
Analysis of The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton Context By the time the bloody chaos of the First World War finally came to an end on November 11, 1918, the American novelist Edith Wharton had already been living as an expatriate in Paris for five years. During that time, she had essentially ceased to write fiction and had turned her energies instead to the Allied effort by providing war relief for soldiers and refugees. Her devotion and enthusiasm for her work was, in fact, enough to win her the French Legion of Honor. By the end of the war, however, Wharton found herself disturbed by what she saw as the profound social disruptions that had been brought on by the war. In the months after the armistice, she again picked up her pen to write what many critics consider to be her war novel. One would be hard pressed, however, to find any elements within The Age of Innocence that even remotely address the disruption and the bloodshed of the First World War. Set in 1870s New York, Whartons novel depicts a society that is in many ways the antithesis of war-devastated Europe. Old New York, Whartons term to describe this wealthy and elite class at the top of the developing citys social hierarchy, was a society utterly intent on maintaining its own rigid stability. To Wharton, Old New York imposed on its members set rules and expectations for practically everything: manners, fashions, behaviors, and even conversations. Those who breached the social code were punished, with exquisite politeness, by the other members. The differences between the fractured society following the First World War and the Old New York of The Age of Innocence are without a doubt dramatic. However, there is more of a connection between them than may first appear. Edith Wharton herself was born into the claustrophobic world of Old New York. When she began, at the age of fifty-seven, to write what would become her Pulitzer-prize winning novel, she had already witnessed an astounding amount of social change. Both horrified and fascinated by the chaos and the freedom of the new century as it headed towards modernism and war, Wharton was prompted to compare this new age with that of her own past. The Age of Innocence, then, stands as both a personal recollection of the culture of Whartons youth and an historical study of an old-fashioned world on the brink of profound and permanent change. It is believed that the expression keeping up with the Joneses once specifically referred to Edith Jones Whartons parents, who were known throughout New York for their lavish social gatherings. Born into such an atmosphere of opulence, Wharton had access to all the privileges of an upper- class upbringing: education, travel, and the assurance of a good marriage. Yet for all the luxury of her youth, Wharton felt her individuality continually stifled by the rigid expectations and narrow perspectives of her class. Not surprisingly, these sentiments become central themes in The Age of Innocence. Unhappily married at an early age to a man thirteen years her senior, Wharton faced, like Ellen Olenska, the temptations of adultery and the censure of divorce. As a writer, too, Wharton faced the criticisms of her class, who disdained and feared what they called the bohemian life of artists and writers. Post-war Paris was a far cry from this stifling environment, and Wharton was interested in tracing the differences between her past and present not only on a personal level, but also a historico-anthropological level. By the end of the War, rigid Old New York appeared as a lost world, a defunct civilization that bore little similarity to the present era. Like many authors of her time, Wharton was interested in evolutionary theories and the newly developing field of anthropology. To a great extent, it is this interest in the sociology of Old New York that gives the novel its keen sense of detached irony. While post-Civil War New York saw itself as the pinnacle of civilization, Wharton undercuts this picture by comparing its unbending societal customs to those of the most primitive tribes. Plot Overview Newland Archer couldnt be more pleased with his recent engagement to the beautiful debutante May Welland. However, his world is thrown upside down by the sensational arrival of Mays cousin, Countess Ellen Olenska. Recently returned to America after separating from her husband, a philandering Polish count, Countess Olenska shocks the staid New York aristocracy with her revealing clothes, carefree manners, and rumors of adultery. Because the Countesss family, headed by the powerful Mrs. Manson Mingott, have chosen to reintroduce her into good society, Archer and May feel it necessary to befriend her. As Archer comes to better know the Countess, he begins to appreciate her unconventional views on New York society. Meanwhile, Archer becomes increasingly disillusioned with his new fianceà ©, May. He begins to see her as the manufactured product of her class: polite, innocent, and utterly devoid of personal opinion and sense of self. The Countess Olenska soon announces her intention of divorcing her husband. While Archer supports her desire for freedom, he feels compelled to act on behalf of the Mingott family and persuade Ellen to remain married. At a friends cottage near Hudson, Archer realizes that he is in love with Ellen. He abruptly leaves the next day for Florida, where he is reunited with May and her parents, who are there on vacation. There, he presses May to shorten their engagement. May becomes suspicious and asks him if his hurry to get married is prompted by the fear that he is marrying the wrong person. Archer reassures May that he is in love with her. Back in New York, Archer calls on Ellen, and Archer admits that he is in love with her. Just then, a telegram arrives from May, announcing that her parents have pushed forward the wedding date. After their wedding and honeymoon in Europe, Archer and May settle down to married life in New York. Over time, Archers memory of Ellen fades to a wistful image. But on vacation in Newport, he is reunited with her, and Ellen promises not to return to Europe as long as she and Newland do not act upon their love for each other. Back in New York, Archer learns that Count Olenski wants his wife to return to him and that Ellen has refused. After the stroke of her grandmother, Ellen returns to New York to care for her. She and Archer agree to consummate their affair. But suddenly, Ellen announces her intention to return to Europe. May throws a farewell party for Ellen, and after the guests leave, May announces to Archer that she is pregnant and that she told Ellen her news two weeks earlier. Twenty-five years pass. In that time, the Archers have had three children and May has died from pneumonia. Now Archers son convinces him to travel to France. There, they arrange to visit the Countess Olenska at her Paris apartment. However, at the last minute Archer sends his son alone to visit her, content instead to live with his memories of the past. Character List Newland Archer The novels protagonist. Archer is a wealthy young lawyer married to the beautiful debutante May Welland. He is in love, however, with Mays cousin Countess Ellen Olenska, who represents to him the freedom missing from the suffocating environment of the New York aristocracy. Archer is torn between his duty to May and to his family, and his passion for Ellen. In the end, he remains faithful to his wife and comes to be known in society as a philanthropist and civic figure. Countess Ellen Olenska Mays cousin and Mrs. Manson Mingotts granddaughter. Ellen was educated and raised in Europe. There, she married a Polish count, who cheated on her and prompted her to leave him. Upon her return to New York family, she hopes to be reintegrated to American life, but she finds only judgmentality and stifling mores. Her behavior is deemed too unorthodox for her to fit in to Old New York. To Archer, however, she is free and truly alive, her own person. May Welland The dewy-eyed and artless young thing who marries Archer. May appears to be unassailably innocent. Over time, Archer comes to see her as the living embodiment of New York society: incapable of thinking on her own, conditioned to act as she is expected. Despite her apparent innocence, May is not as naà ¯ve as Newland thinks. However, she remains a loyal wife even after she suspects that Newland is having an affair with Countess Olenska. Mrs. Manson Mingott Grandmother to May and Ellen, Mrs. Mingott is a fat and fiery old aristocratic lady who wields great influence over the New York clan. While her moral standards are irreproachable, she has some unorthodox social views. She insists on family solidarity and remains confident in Ellen, supporting her financially when she leaves New York to return to Europe. Henry and Louisa van der Luyden The descendants of pre-Revolutionary Dutch aristocracy, this elderly couple is the last word in social authority. They are last in a long line of powerful social leaders. Very quiet and non-adventurous people, they are rarely seen in public and only rarely invite guests to their solemn Madison Avenue mansion. Julius Beaufort Little is known about this British bankers past, but it is widely rumored that he left Europe after some shady business deals. With his elaborate annual balls, Beaufort is one of the most important and lavish hosts of New York entertainment. Following a scandalous business failure, he is swiftly exiled from good society. Mrs. Archer and Janey Archer Mother and sister of Archer, these two women act almost like sisters. Somewhat socially timid, they love to gossip, grow ferns, and make lace. While they are devoted to Archer, they are nonetheless frequently shocked by his social views. Lawrence Lefferts Widely considered to be the arbiter of good taste and moral values, Lefferts is also a huge gossip and an unfaithful husband. There are suspicions that he courted Countess Olenska soon after her arrival and was soundly rejected. Sillerton Jackson An elderly gentleman and good friend of the Archer family. Jackson is the unofficial archivist of all New York gossip and family history. Medora Manson The eccentric old aunt of Ellens, Medora raised her after the deaths of Ellens parents. A penniless itinerant, she is repeatedly widowed, and is tolerated by society only because of her family connections. Ned Winsett The bohemian journalist friend of Archer. Ned Winsett is one of the few people with whom Archer can really converse. He sees him as both an emblem of social freedom and its immense costs. Mrs. Lemuel Struthers Although as heir to a shoe polish fortune Mrs. Struthers is considered common, she becomes a popular hostess known for her artistic gatherings. Summary The novel opens in the new opera house, where all of New Yorks high society has assembled in its expensive box seats to see and to be seen. Newland Archer, the protagonist, has just arrived fashionably late and joins his friends in time for the climax of the opera. As he glances across the filled theater, he spots May Welland, his new fianceà ©, seated in the box of her aristocratic old grandmother, Mrs. Manson Mingott. Archer, struck anew by her pure and innocent beauty, dreams of blissful married life with May. His reverie is abruptly interrupted by his acquaintance Larry Lefferts, who notices a stranger entering the Mingott box. A slim young woman wearing a theatrical and low-cut dress takes a seat in the box, seemingly unconscious of all the attention she attracts. With shock, Archer realizes that this woman is no other than the Countess Ellen Olenska, cousin to May Welland, who has returned to New York after having lived abroad for many years. Lefferts, considered to be the authority on form, or style and fashion, and Sillerton Jackson, the unofficial archivist of all family histories and scandals within the upper class, are both shocked that the Countess would appear in good society with the rest of her family. We learn through their gossip that it is rumored that she had left her unfaithful husband, a Polish count. Newland admires the fiery and somewhat unorthodox determination of Mrs. Manson Mingott to support this black sheep of her family by not only hosting her indefinitely in her home, but also by allowing her to appear publicly in the family box at the Opera. Yet at the same time he is bothered that all of New York society will see such a scandalous figure sitting next to his innocent young fiancee. As the men continue to gossip, Archer feel compelled to take decisive action. As the fiancà © of May Welland, he decides that he has the responsibility to defend the Mingott clan. During intermission, he hurries over to the Mingott box. Although no words are exchanged between May and himself as to the reason for his sudden appearance, she shows her understanding of the situation and her gratitude to Archer with her smile. Both she and Archer are aware that by appearing in the Mingott box with the Countess Olenska, Archer is demonstrating his connection to that family and his support of their decision to include the Countess in their social activities. Archer is introduced to Olenska, who was one of his childhood playmates. He is struck by her flippant, friendly manners and finds her descriptions of New York society rather disrespectful. After the opera, many of the wealthy New York families attend the annual ball at the Beaufort residence. Julius Beaufort, we learn, is a handsome, charming, and disreputable Englishman with a shady financial history and a strong tendency toward infidelity; his wife Regina is a pretty but dull woman of reputable family background. Although many consider the Beauforts to be common, no one would ever pass their elaborate and ostentatious balls, which provide a cornerstone for New York social activities. At the ball, Archer and May officially announce their engagement. In a moment alone together in the conservatory, they express their happiness. May suddenly asks Archer to announce their engagement to her cousin Ellen Olenska. Ellen, to the relief of her family, did not attend the Beauforts ball. Analysis In the opening chapter of The Age of Innocence, Wharton immediately evokes a specific time, a place, and a society. Her panoramic description of the opera is highly effective as an introductory setting, for it not only acclimates the reader to the fashions and entertainment preferences of Old New York, but it also presents the members of this society as if they were an assembly, a closely-knit collection of individuals and families. The fact that everyone in good society attends the opera demonstrates immediately their similar tastes in art and entertainment. Yet the opera does not serve merely as a bonding activity for the very rich. Indeed, the members of the audience scrutinize each other far more than the opera itself, singling out in particular the fashions and manners of their peers. One goes to the opera to see and to be seen, to judge and to be judged. This may explain why Wharton is quick to introduce two characters who are otherwise minor to the plot. She singles Larry Lefferts out of the crowd as the foremost authority on form. Form, or a code that indicates the acceptable tastes in fashion and manners, is extremely important to this society, which is so concerned with appearances. And an unusual dress or a flippant attitude may, in fact, signify more than just a lack of taste but also a lack of proper moral values. Such a potential wantonness threatens to destabilize the delicate existing code and is therefore judged harshly. In addition to Lefferts, Wharton pauses over the character of Sillerton Jackson, the unofficial archivist of family histories. Not only does Jackson know every blood and marital relationship within the tight clan of Old New York, he also knows each familys scandals, whether real or rumored. Thanks to Jackson, ones private history does not remain a secret for long. Here and throughout the novel, Wharton employs certain imagery by which to portray Old New York society. She describes the evening at the opera as an extremely predictable event: one arrives there fashionably late, every family has a carriage waiting for them at the entrance, and even the ball at Beauforts that follows is an annual tradition. On a basic level, Whartons language indicates how boring such a world can be; no one acts differently from anyone else and there is no variation in the course of events from year to year. In the following chapters, Archer will become more and more frustrated with the monotony of this stultifying environment. On a more symbolic level, Wharton ironically compares the traditional behaviors and codes of cultured Old New York with those of primitive or ancient cultures. Both are obsessed with ritual events and behaviors, she indicates, and Archers concern with acceptable behavior is no different from the totem terrors that had ruled the destinies of his forefathers thousands of years ago. It is, of course, the arrival of Countess Ellen Olenska that brings tension to this perfectly ordered scene. Thanks to the good memory and loose tongue of Sillerton Jackson, Ellens appearance is preceded by her reputation. It is important to note Jacksons exclamation upon seeing Ellen in her familys opera box: I didnt think the Mingotts would have tried it on. With this statement is the implication that the actions of an individual reflect upon the family. Jackson is shocked not only because a woman of somewhat ill repute is seen amongst good society, but also because her family is choosing to support such a black sheep. Newland Archer is aware of the crucial importance of the Mingott familys sense of solidarity. When he sees how his friends negatively respond to the appearance of Ellen, he rushes over to the Mingott family box. Since May is a member of this family and Archer soon will be, it is his duty to defend their decision to include Ellen. Simply by appearing in the Mingott box, Archer is sending a clear non-verbal signal to the rest of the New York clan. This gesture, just like Mays grateful glance at Archer, is a subtle but unequivocal form of communication. Throughout the novel, Wharton must interpret these actions for her readers, for often the spoken words of her characters do not contain as much meaning as (and in some cases relate the opposite meaning of) the gesture. In the third chapter, the character of Julius Beaufort provides a clear example of the discrepancy of appearance versus reality. His personal history is spotty at best, and he is notorious for his womanizing. But because of his immaculate dress and public display of manners and hospitality, he is accepted by the New York clan. As long as Beaufort-or anyone, for that matter-can hide the unpleasantness of his past, he will be welcomed into good society. Chapters 4-6 Summary As is expected of all newly engaged couples, Archer and May begin a series of betrothal visits to their friends and relatives. The first is to Mrs. Manson Mingott, who lives by herself in a grand and unorthodox mansion near Central Park. Because of her tremendous obesity, she is confined to her house; but because of her social influence, she is not isolated from the rest of society. Mrs. Mingott happily receives the couple and instructs May on wedding preparations. As they are about to take their leave, Ellen Olenska returns home from shopping with Julius Beaufort. Archer notices that Mrs. Mingott greets them both cordially; she does not seem to consider it improper, as he does, that a married man should be seen in daylight with a recently-separated woman. As Archer leaves, he speaks briefly to the Countess about his engagement to May. She is very pleased and asks Archer to call on her soon. As Archer leaves, he inwardly remarks that the Countesss behavior with Beaufort is most likely acceptable in Europe. All the same, he is glad he is marrying a member of his own New York clan. The next evening Sillerton Jackson dines with Archer and Archers mother and sister at their home. Jackson and the two women are eager to gossip about the arrival of the Countess Olenska. When the conversation inevitably drifts to discussing her appearance in public with Beaufort, Archer shocks his family by claiming that she has the right to go where she chooses and that he hopes the Countess will get a divorce from her brutish husband, even if such things are seldom done. He remarks that he is tired of a double standard for the affairs of men and women and that it is time for women to be as free as men. Alone in his study after dinner, Archer contemplates his approaching marriage to May. Regarding her picture, he wonders to what extent she is the product of her society. Recalling his assertion at dinner that women should have the same freedoms as men, he now concludes that the nice women of his class were brought up to never desire freedom. Archer suddenly realizes that although he wants his future wife to be free and to form her own thoughts, she has been carefully trained by her family not to possess such traits. To him, May is innocent because she is ignorant. While he remains unwavering in his decision to marry her, he begins to feel that his marriage will not be entirely what he had previously expected. A few days later, the Mingott family is in great distress. After having sent out invitations for a formal dinner to be held in honor of the Countess Olenska, they have received refusals from practically all of the invites. It is clear that New York has decided to scorn the Count ess Olenska by not attending her welcoming dinner. In protest, Archer appeals to his mother to talk with Henry and Louisa van der Luyden. The van der Luydens, a frail old couple who are seldom seen in public and receive only their most intimate friends at home, are regarded as the most powerful and most elite figures in New York society. Archer hopes that their influence can atone for the slight that has been dealt to the Countess and her family. Analysis Chapter 4 opens with one of the most humorous character sketches in the novel. The immensely large Mrs. Manson Mingott is an intriguing character to Archer because of her slightly unorthodox living arrangement and her candid way of speaking. Because of her impeccable moral character and high societal status, her free style of conversation does not scandalize others or disrupt the given social standards. As such, she can easily get away with making some perceptive and occasionally critical insights into the society of Old New York. When Beaufort arrives with Countess Olenska at Mrs. Mingotts home, she asks him if he will be inviting Mrs. Lemuel Struthers and remarks that New York is in need of new blood and new money. While Old New York is intensely close-knit and hostile to nouveau-riche outsiders, it is also in risk of isolating itself completely from the rest of the world, to the detriment of its own health. The character of Newland Archer also takes on several nuances in these cha pters. In the opening Opera scene, Archer appears to be as preoccupied with correct appearances as his friends. At Mrs. Mingotts house, Wharton demonstrates how Archers thoughts on form depart from the norm. He admires Mrs. Mingotts strong personality and the slight sense of impropriety in the arrangement of her house. Yet Archer is relieved when he discovers that Ellen is out for the day, for he fears the controversy associated with her. His acceptance of unconventionality, then, is limited. Mrs. Mingotts harmless banter is not nearly as destabilizing as Ellens behavior in walking in public with Beaufort, which threatens the social code to which Archer is accustomed. In chapters five and six, we also get a glimpse into Archers thoughts on women. At dinner with his family and Sillerton Jackson, Archer attempts to defend Ellens right to have an affair following the infidelities of her husbands by proclaiming that women should be as free as men when it came to their personal relations hips. Yet Archers attempts at gender equality are belied by many of his other comments. Later that evening, he remarks to Jackson that he is sick of the hypocrisy that would bury alive a woman of her age if her husband prefers to live with harlots. While he does here defend Ellens right to manage her own affairs, he labels other women who have made similar choices as harlots. Archer also shows his unequal treatment of women in regards to his own past. In the novels elliptical allusions to his former mistress, Archer is always inclined to judge her actions harshly. Archer is also led to wonder about the usefulness of asserting such rights for women. Although he loves and admires May, he sees that she has been brought up to be a nice woman, one who would never request the right to have an affair. With this revelation, Archer begins to realize just how circumscribed the lives of May and other women in New York society really are. They have been brought up never to question inequalities or double standards. In fact, it is as if they are not even aware that such inequalities exist. They exist in a state of perpetual innocence, untroubled by what they do not know. With this revelation, Archer becomes further disillusioned with the strict codes of Old New York. Chapters 7-9 Summary At the van der Luydens formal and ostentatious Madison Avenue home, Archer and his mother relate the slight given to the Countess Olenska. The van der Luydens decide to stand by the Countess on principle: if her family has already decided to support her admittance into society, the rest of society must support their decision. To make amends, the van der Luydens decide to include the Countess at their reception for the Duke of St. Austrey. In the course of the next week, before attending the reception for the Duke, Archer learns much about the past of the Countess Olenska. After the early deaths of her itinerant parents, Ellen was left under the guardianship of her aunt Medora Manson, an eccentric and frequently widowed woman. After the death of Medoras most recent husband, she packed up and left with Ellen in tow. For years nothing was heard of them, until news reached New York that Ellen had married the extremely wealthy Polish Count Olenski. A few years later, the marriage ended in disaster, and Ellen decided to return to her New York family to recuperate. After learning of Ellens history, Archer is curious to see how-if at all-she will adapt to New York society. At the Dukes reception, the Countess raises eyebrows by appearing late and somewhat disheveled. After dinner, she leaves the side of the Duke (with whom she is expected to converse) in order to talk with Archer. They discuss, primarily, his engagement to May. The Countess reveals her ignorance of New York social customs by asking Archer if the marriage was arranged. When Archer corrects her, she embarrassedly admits that she often forgets that what is bad in European culture is good, by contrast, in American culture. As the conversation is interrupted by the other guests, Countess Olenska bids Archer to call on her at her new home the next day. Archer arrives late at the Countesss shabby, slightly bohemian flat that following day, only to find her away. He decides to wait in her living room until she returns. While he waits, he examines the room, which is artfully decorated with European bric-a-brac and exotic works of art. To Archer, who is used to the standardized Italian art appreciated by those in his class, the Countesss furnishings are novel and intriguing. Suddenly, from the window he sees the Countess descend from Beauforts cab. Inside the flat, Archer is interested by the Countesss novel, if slightly shocking, opinions on the fashions and the families of Old New York. She, in turn, looks to Archer for advice about fitting in to the New York clan. When he explains how misleading appearances are in New York, Ellen responds by bursting into tears. She remarks to Archer that the most lonely aspect of living in New York is that she is required to live around well-meaning people who insist that she pretend to be someone she is not in order to spare them any unpleasantness. Their conversation is interrupted by the entrance of the Duke and Mrs. Lemuel Struthers. Archer leaves, somewhat relieved to be spared any more upsetting emotion. As he stops by the florist to send May her daily bouquet of lilies-of- the-valley, he decides impulsively to send a bouquet of yellow roses to Countess Olenska. Analysis Wharton commences Chapter 7 with a detailed account of the nature of the power structure and chain of command within the tight-knit high society of New York. As the sole descendants of one of the most wealthy and aristocratic families in the city, Henry and Louisa van der Luyden serve as legislatures, executives, and judges in regards to certain social problems. It is they who determine the laws of family solidarity. Because Ellens family supports her, everyone outside the family must honor their decision and treat her as one of them. It is also they who judge the severity of the offense against Ellen Olenska; Wharton describes them as the Court of last appeals. And finally, it is they who decide that action must be taken to amend for the insult. By inviting the Countess to their formal reception for the Duke, the van der Luydens send an unmistakable message to those who have previously slighted Ellen. Wharton makes her depiction of the van der Luydens ironic by several different means. First of all, she shows the inconsistencies between the van der Luydens as individuals and as leaders. For all the stuffy splendor of their house and the formal quality of their interview with the Archers, Henry and Louisa are shy and retiring people who dont much like to entertain. They seldom leave their home, due both to health problems and a genuine fear of venturing out in public. Secondly, Wharton describes them in anthropological terms. The van der Luydens are mouth pieces of some remote ancestral authority which fate compelled them to wield. Wharton subtly hints that there is something primitive about the van der Luydens influence over society and that their power is due more to wealth and bloodline than to their capability and temperament. For a society that prides itself on its high culture, such a hierarchy of power seems rather crude and primeval. And finally, Whartons physical description of this harmless old couple involves a large amount of death imagery. Louisa looks like she was rather gruesomely preserved in the airless atmosphere of a perfectly irreproachable existence. This is not unlike the way Wharton sees Mrs. Mingott as a doomed city trapped under her own weight in Chapter 4. In both these cases, Whartons juxtaposition of authority figures with death imagery indicates the ineffectual nature of their power. Ruled by such archaic individuals, Old New York potentially faces a waning of power itself, or even extinction. In Chapters 8 and 9, we begin to get a better grasp of Ellens personality. Up until this point, we have seen Ellen primarily through the eyes of others: through the gossip at the opera and through Archers opinions based on their brief encounters. Now the picture of Ellen becomes more complete through the recounting of her personal history, the descriptions of her exotically furnished apartment, and through her own conversations with Archer. The very nature of their discussion proves to Archer Ellens foreignness and her lack of traditional manners. Unlike May and the rest of New York who communicate indirectly through glances and euphemistic speech, Ellen is quite candid in her opinions. She directly criticizes
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Free Essays on Homers Odyssey - My World by Polyphemus :: Homer Odyssey Essays
Odyssey - My World by Polyphemus        No mortal or immortal being could imagine the suffering and the humiliation I went through. Before that wretched day, I used to be a powerful immortal with a blessed god as my father. I had no fear for any gods, for we Cyclopians were strong and fierce. Now I am reduced to a weak and disable Cyclops. My eye, my only eye, was put out by a man. A man with the slyness and the shrewdness of a fox although lacking physical greatness. I had a hard time dealing with my blindness and I often swear to the gods that one day I will catch him and have him for dinner. The thought of his limbs and his blood in my mouth gives me great satisfaction until today. That happened ten years ago but my story of the encounter must be told.            I was in my cave, when I first saw them. There were 13 of them all together. A man spoke up and identified themselves as Achaians from Troy who lost their way while traveling in the sea. He then threatened me with Zeus' name, hoping I would treat them well. I laughed scornfully at them and asked him where he moored his ship. He told me that it was wrecked by my father and that they were the only ones that survive. I was feeling very hungry at that time and those men aroused my appetite. I grabbed two of them and started to smash their brains out. I was determined to have them for supper. After an excellent meal, I soon fell asleep and was not awaken till the next day. The men were still there the next morning so I grabbed another two for breakfast.            I went off to tend to my sheep and was wise enough to place the stone back to its position to prevent the men from escaping. I returned only in the evening. I drove all my flocks inside the cave for I wanted to keep my eye on them. After all the sheep had been milked, I felt weary and hungry. I chose another two men to satisfy my belly.
Monday, November 11, 2019
There Is Another Sky
Poem: There is another sky by Emily Dickinson There is another sky, Ever serene and fair, And there is another sunshine, Though it be darkness there; Never mind faded forests, Austin, Never mind silent fields  Here is a little forest, Whose leaf is ever green; Here is a brighter garden, Where not a frost has been; In its unfading flowers I hear the bright bee hum: Prithee, my brother, Into my garden come! * Theme: depression, death * Imagery: Visual imagery * Tone: dark * She is inviting people into her â€Å"garden,†perfectly.I think that the poem itself can be interpreted as a forest that is always green since when you write something down it's going to stay that way. However, I think that what Emily really tries to refer to is her soul of warmth and compassion which always wants to offer itself to those who are suffering. I think that this is the true forest that is never withered or cold because it's always there. Even with her dead, one gets a sense that if this type of compassion can exist from a person then at least someone at some point cared.Emily had a very special spirit in my opinion and a searingly powerful inner beauty – almost one that is so full of this inner radiance that it spills out for others as well. And the very act of trying to reach out to another and show him/her how deeply you care is enough to comfort a person and invite them into that warm acreage of soothing. Austin is her brother. It is him she is talking to throughout the whole poem. Prithee means prey thee, so the line is ‘prey thee, my brother, Into my garden come! ‘ She is praying for her brohter to come in to her world of peace and tranquilty rather than stay in his dark one.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Impeachment of Andrew Johnson essays
The Impeachment of Andrew Johnson essays There has never been a President of the United States that has been removed from office. However, there have been Presidents that have been impeached. Impeachment is when Congress and the Supreme Court exercise what the Constitution calls "Checks and Balances." Contrary to popular belief, impeachment does not necessarily result in removal from office. Impeachment means that the Legislature has the legal right to investigate, expose, and remedy crimes committed by a politician or the President of the United States of America. In a nutshell, impeachment can be explained in seven steps. First, the House Judiciary Committee deliberates over whether to initiate an impeachment inquiry. Then, The Judiciary Committee adopts a resolution seeking authority from the entire House of Representatives to conduct an inquiry. Before voting, the House debates and considers the resolution. Approval requires a majority vote. Thirdly, the Judiciary Committee conducts an impeachment inquiry where articles of impeachment are prepared, which must be approved by a majority vote of the Committee. Next, The House of Representatives considers and debates the articles of impeachment and decides by a majority vote if the President shall be brought to trial and impeached. After it is decided that the President will be impeached, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presides over the President's trial in the Senate. Following the conclusion of the trial, the Senate votes on whether or not the President shall be removed from office. A two-thirds vote is required to replace the President. Finally, if the President is in fact removed, the Vice President will take over as head of the Executive Branch. If the President is not removed, he will return to his job in office. In Andrew Johnson's time, he was the only president to be impeached. He was tried according to the rules of the U.S. Senate and beat the rap by a single vote. Johnson had many impossible tasks u...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Safety And Security And The Hospitality Industry Tourism Essay Essay Example
Safety And Security And The Hospitality Industry Tourism Essay Essay Example Safety And Security And The Hospitality Industry Tourism Essay Paper Safety And Security And The Hospitality Industry Tourism Essay Paper Introduction and Background of the Study Safety and security plays a large function in this century. Everyone is refering about their safety and security when they are remaining in the hotel during holiday. In the world-wide hotel industry, the direction excessively concern about safety and security issues refering on their invitees and employees. In the cordial reception industry, they are proud of themselves because they are known friendly to everyone in such manner of attitude in welcoming their clients or invitees. Therefore, they should pattern and keep the construct of a home-from-home with their open-door attack with comfort, convenience and privateness to their invitees ( Gill, Moon, Seaman A ; Turbin, 2002 ) . After the catastrophes such as terrorist onslaught at Luxor Egypt in 1992 and 1993, 852 riders died on the shipwreck of Estonia in Baltic Sea on 28th September 1994, Iraq war panic onslaught of September 11, 2001 in New York, United States, the SARS epidemic in 2003, Tsunami catastrophe on 26th December 2004 in Thailand and Bali bombardments, the demand for safety and security around the universe is turning and the subject of safety and security has become a popular treatment among the people in the universe. Besides, most of the hotels have now implemented a safety and security program every bit good as quality program such as supplying preparation for the employees and invitee s safety and security ( Steene, 2009, Lockyer, 2007 and Helena A ; Natasa, 2010 ) . The hotel direction has separated the hotel safety into two wide classs which are safety and security. The direction categorized safety as in the services provided, besides included the building of the hotel inside designed whereby doing certain they are safe built for the employees to work in and in-house invitees. However, security in hotel related to menaces that set by people than puting by the physical milieus, which means it depends on the individual who set the security danger that can non be predict ( Policy Department, 2008 ) . Based on Enz ( 2009 ) personal definition on safety and security, she defined safety as protecting invitee s safety, while maintaining invitees belongings safe will be included in the security definition. In other words, harmonizing to Enz and Masako ( 2002 ) , safety involves in protecting employees and invitees while in the hotel country from serious injured and decease. In footings of safety, it can be farther categorized by assorted facets such as fire safety and others facets of hotel safety. As for hotel safety, it includes nutrient safety, swimming pool safety and non burying the hotel s belongings safety such as offense safety ( Policy Department, 2008 ) . Problem Statements Training safety and security steps is of import to the cordial reception industry whereby without the of import of steps, the cordial reception and tourim industry will non hold roar so fast. This is because everyone take their life every bit cherished as gold. Unfortunately nowaday, hotels merely used of the tecnology safety and security system to protect their guest. They should hold besides used of developing method and processs to develop their employees and educate invitee as a safeguards for accidents to go on. Morever, the cordial reception should be more concern on which aspects that will hold a high rate of accidents go on in the day-to-day rountine. However, why preparation is important for the cordial reception industry to look upon on? What are the ways that the cordial reception industry able to utilize to develop their employees and invitees to maintain safe from danger? Which aspects must they refer on? Research Aims The purpose of this research is done to find employee safety and security preparation and instruction for invitees do helps to minimise the safety and security issues in the cordial reception industry. This research is carried out to accomplish several aims in the undermentioned below: To find the importance of preparation safety and security. To find the ways that the hotels implement to develop their employees and educate invitees on safety and security to experience secure and comfy piece in the hotel. To place the factors that the hotels will look into concern and train employees and educate invitee to forestall these issues to go on. Research Questions This survey is attempted answer the research inquiries in the undermentioned below: Why it is importance of preparation safety and security? What are the ways that the hotel implements to develop their employees and educate their invitees on the safety and security? What are the factors that the hotels will look into concern and train employees and educate invitee to forestall these issues to go on? Hypothesis Statement The hypothesis in this research will be done based on the value of the population which the hypothesis statement will be related to the importance of preparation safety and security does lower the per centum of safety and security issues. In this hypothesis research, the writer has used a statement which will give less bad consequence on the consequence. Ho = There is no significance between the importance of preparation safety and security will take down the per centum of safety and security and have no consequence on safety and security issues. H1 = There is a significance between the importance of preparation safety and security will take down the per centum of safety and security and have no consequence on safety and security issues. Theoretical and Conceptual Model The importance of preparation safety and security on employees and invitees Importance of preparation safety and security Training the employees on safety and security Wayss and factors to refer on Fire safety Accident and private safety Educating invitees on safety and security Crime safety and security Figure 1.1 A conceptual model on the importance of preparation safety and security on employees and invitees in the hotel industry. Basically the above figure shows about this research will be concentrating on several facts and facts such as the facets that the hotel should be more concerned on by implementing ways to protect them. Before the writer determined the facets and ways on protecting the employees and invitee s safety, the writer would wish to explicate on the importance of preparation safety and security on employees and invitees and non merely trusting on the safety and security characteristics such as CCTV and others more. As for the facets for the hotel to be concerned on will be the fire safety, accident and private safety and offense safety and security. These facets should be concerned on because they will go on in our day-to-day life. Fire is a phenomena facet which we can non foretell to go on, therefore it is of import for the cordial reception to develop the employees and invitees on ways to get the better of it when it happens. As for accidents and private safety, if the employees and guest are teach to forestall them to go on, the rate of accidents will be lower down. For illustration, housekeepers should be trained in a right manner to clean the room with safety steps. Crime happens about every twenty-four hours in our life, therefore the hotel should besides take in safeguards even though there are security constabulary and officers. For illustration, the hotel needs to develop employees on ways to non fall into the condemnable traps when they suspected leery people inquiring in the hotels. Significance of the Study Training employees and educate in-house invitees in order to maintain themselves safe and secure is a really of import elements in the cordial reception and touristry industry presents. With the preparation of safety and security, they will make the employees and invitee s satisfaction where they will experience safe merely like they are in their ain house. In the average clip, it will besides increase the attending from the foreigners and travellers if they know the hotel manage good in safety and security affairs, therefore this will convey benefits to the hotel when they need more work force and increase the economic system and position of the hotel. The writer had recognized the types of preparation methods for employees and invitees to follow to get the better of the negative factors which will do them experience safer while being in the hotel at anytime and anyplace. Furthermore, the effects of these method used will minimise the safety and security issues. This research will assist the organisations in the cordial reception industry to understand the intent of developing safety and security will profit the employees and travellers. This will besides profit the hotel as they pattern and using on the employees and invitees to pull off and better the safety and security steps. Scope and Restriction Basically, this research is chiefly concentrating on the method that the hotel s direction uses to develop their employees and educates their in-house invitees in order to maintain them safe and secure, besides help to cut down negative issues that will go on in the hotel and the surrounding. Hotels maintain them safe and secure in footings of avoiding hurts and decease on the employees and invitees when there are accidents, offense and fire. However, there are several restrictions related to this survey have occurred in order to finish this research successfully. First, it will be the handiness to seek for secondary informations, the electronic beginnings. The writer has faced some troubles in seeking extra information and electronic articles and diaries from the web sites that related to developing safety and security for employees and educating invitees when being in the hotel. Even though, the several college university has provided several beginnings for the writer like academic web sites but there are still lack of beginnings for the writer to roll up more information because some of the diaries and information demand to be purchased before consume. Furthermore, the writer had faced some challenges because of missing experience and cognition in carry oning a proposal. It is a great challenge when the writer does non hold sufficient experience and the accomplishments to roll up strong and good informations for this r esearch. Chapter TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction In this chapter, it will contains the determination of the writers had done research sing on the of import of developing the employees and educate the invitees, besides several ways to develop the employees and educate invitees to maintain safe while they are in the hotel. Besides, it will besides include the factors where the hotel will be more concern on and avoid hurts happened. As for the old research worker s findings and theories, they will be used as back uping information besides guaranting that the methods and factors will be concentrating on will assist in this research. Furthermore, all information and information that have been gathered for this research are from assorted secondary informations beginnings such as electronic articles and diaries. 2.2 Importance of preparation for safety and security The word preparation is means by giving a individual the existent and adequate information to him or her needed in order to work safely. It is non important that developing demand to hold a formal category session or seminars and classs for the employees to go to. In this coevals, there are assorted facets that make the hotel successful whereby these facets are wellness, safety and sustainability of the attractive forces concern ( Williams 2008 ) . Harmonizing to Pitt ( 2007 ) , in United Kingdom, there are about more than 30 million of working yearss lost in each twelvemonth due to employee s wellness illness and seven million are because of employee injured in the on the job topographic point. Every twelvemonth, there are more than a million of employees enduring from bully while working by their ain co-workers or public. Therefore, in order to cut down the figure of workplace hurt and others factors, developing employees and invitees to maintain themselves safe while working and remaining in the hotel are important. Based on the research by Health and Safety in the Catering Industry Liaison Committee, there is a legal jurisprudence to supply information and preparation sing to wellness and safety facets to all employees who are needed ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) . 2.3 Training employees Weitze ( 2008 ) noted that if the hotel direction is missing of employees developing, deficiency of keeping the policies and processs and in conclusion missing of bar, these will all take to a safety related incident. Therefore, it is of import to develop the employees from the hotel itself foremost earlier to educate the invitees. Furthermore, the staffs of Shangri-la Hotel are the first people who will interact with the invitees once they step into the hotel. It does non count they are from which section of the hotel, as long they are Shangri-la Hotel employees such as bell male child, front desk staffs, housekeepers and more, the employees are responsible to make a civilization of safety and professionalism to maintain themselves safe and maintaining the guest safety and security every bit good ( Kwiecinski, 2010 ) . Therefore, it is important for the direction to develop every employee to be able to confront to confront in any accidents such as fire, constabulary and other exigency services people so that they may assist out if that is a demand ( William, 2008 ) . Based on a wellness and safety director, Duncan Aspin, he had stated that directors need to determine up wellness and safety preparation policy for guaranting every employee have sufficient preparation on safety and security issues to cut down acc ident ( Mottram, 2005 ) . For an illustration, harmonizing to Mottram ( 2005 ) , supplying plan sing on staff development and safety preparation has given a manus to North-West division of Birse Civil to accomplish zero percent accident rate, which is besides the top 1 company in UK as building industry for safety. Therefore, developing employees non merely will assist to salvage their lives but besides assist Shangri-la Hotel to lift up hotel position. 2.4 Educating invitees Besides Shangri-la Hotel develop their employees to maintain themselves safe and implementing safety and security characteristics for the guest safety, it is besides of import for them to develop their in-house invitees to take attention of themselves every bit good. In general, everyone who travels around and look for adjustments would anticipate they will be safe and their belongings will be unafraid go forthing them in the hotel while they are out for travel. However, sometimes it is difficult to foretell that invitee will be safe by merely depending on the hotel s safety and security characteristics, therefore the invitees should besides larn how to protect themselves off from offenses, accidents and fire. Harmonizing to the research by Mottram ( 2005 ) , in the twelvemonth of 2003, 80 people who include the invitees and employees of Birse Civils have attended the safety direction and classs. In consequence, the company has recorded as nothing accidents occur within the company country. 2.5 Ways and factors that will be concerned on 2.5.1 Fire Safety Fire accident is an accident whereby we can non foretell when to go on and when non to go on. Even if there is a fire, the invitees might non cognize how to manage because they are non cognizant of it. Therefore, the hotel direction should take safeguards on managing the safety of their employees and invitees. For illustration, sometimes foreign in-house invitees might hold slow respond to the emptying alarms when it rings because they do non hold an understanding state of affairs in the local hotel ( Roberts A ; Chan, 2000 ) . Harmonizing to Helena A ; Natasa ( 2010 ) , in order to protect guest safety, the direction of the hotel needs to educate invitee by supplying instructions, labels and reminders which related to fire bars. The intent of implement this so that invitees will non be panic and nervous when there is fire accident, in fact they will remain unagitated and cognize the manner to go forth the hotel edifice safely. Throughout the research, as for the fire safeguards to protect the invitee and employees safety, Shareton Hotel did the best in developing their employees to manage fire incident in order to salvage their life and the guest life excessively. They provide full initiation and preparation for all hotel staffs on working safe processs and responses which relate to fire. Besides, new forces will be trained to utilize types of asphyxiators and taught them ways to manage when the hotel is on fire ( Roberts A ; Chan, 2000 ) . 2.5.2 Accidents and Private Safety In the Occupational Safety and Health Act ( OSHA ) , it has stated in 1970 that each working people either adult male or adult female in the state demand to hold a safe and healthful working conditions which besides means that without holding any hurts during the on the job period ( Hobson, 1996 ) . In the cordial reception industry, it is of import for the hotelkeepers to look into this facet because accident can go on in the hotel easy at anytime and anyplace on the employees and invitees. In the research by Mottram ( 2005 ) , the company of Birse Civils does supply developing to their employees which included first-aid preparation. This preparation is to guarantee that their employees are qualified to the Health and Safety Regulation 1981, which need four yearss developing at St John Ambulance premises. Therefore, as for all cordial reception industry, the direction should supply developing like this as a protection to their employees and invitees safety. In add-on, in certain clip, housekeeping section has a high per centum of doing accidents when the housekeepers do non handled unsafe chemicals in a proper manner and practising unhealthy airss while cleaning the suites. Due to they are covering with unsafe risky chemicals which will impact their wellness and life, safety and security preparation and orientation are of import and should be pattern in the housework section even though the housekeepers did non manage any machinery. As an illustration, Wyswert hotel does supply preparation and information for the housekeepers on what they are supposed and non supposed to make ( Kristanti A ; Kuhn, 2005 ) . However, sometimes it is a portion of the employee s occupations to protect the in-house invitee s safety. Leong ( 2000 ) has stated that the full employees need to be trained so that they know about the security processs to follow on which will be helpful for the invitees. Therefore, developing employees is of import particularly when the forepart desks agent is covering with the reaching invitee s room key. Harmonizing to Kristanti A ; Kuhn ( 2005 ) and Woods, Ninemeier, Hayes A ; Austin ( 2007 ) , they have mentioned that forepart desk agents are non allowed to give out keys, room Numberss, messages and mail to anyone from the petitioner without the proprietor s of the room existent individuality. Besides, during the procedure when the forepart desk agent passes the room key to the invitee, they should non denote the invitee s room figure out in the populace. In add-on, eating house staffs besides play a function in maintaining the invitees safety and security whereby they need to maintain their clients belongings in secure when they are holding their repasts in the several eating house. The eating house director needs to develop the waiter to be more qui vive on the client properties ( Kristanti A ; Kuhn, 2005 ) . 2.5.3 Crime Safety and Security Presents, violent offense in the workplace has become a universe issue that everyone will concern. Therefore, it is now has become a job to the cordial reception industry that they will be confronting and this job is increasing in other states ( Hobson, 1996 ) . After the incident of a popular vocalist was raped with a knife pointed at her in Long Island motel, the issues of security become a serious issue to all hotels in the United States ( Leong, 2000 ) . Therefore, hotels have aware of offense issues and security system and get down practising offense direction ( Gill, Moon, Seaman A ; Turbin, 2002 ) . Crime in the workplace has by and large separated into different classs such as robbery and other commercial offenses, employer or other employee direct state of affairss and terrorist act. In order to minimise the rate of force offense in the cordial reception industry, the direction can beef up the director and supervisors security accomplishments and ways to utilize first AIDSs. It is of import for both of them to be expert in pull offing these securities because they are the one will manage the jobs when there is a job. For illustration of a instance that happened in Pasadena, Texas in 1977, the trough of the hotel did non assist the victim because of lacking of security cognition ( Hobson, 1996 ) . Besides developing the higher degree of direction, developing the front line employees is needed excessively so that they will hold the cognition on managing it. The direction of the hotel can give preparation such as smile preparation which known as do nt look them in the eyes developing to learn the employees so that they will be more prepare and composure when there is a state of affairs occur. A clear and apprehensible direction should be given in order to avoid contending when there is a robbery ( Hobson, 1996 ) . Under the research that has been done by Shellum ( 2002 ) , several hotels have taken action to beef up the security issues. They have improved their security-guards preparation and so measure them by criterion operating processs so that it is changeless. Research has shown that consciousness is the most of import tools in order to take attention of safety, therefore the illustration of the hotel has done show the right manner of developing the employees ( Helena A ; Natasa, 2010 ) . Therefore, they have increased the staff-awareness by giving them more training alternatively of engaging security guards ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) . Chapter THREE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction In this chapter, the writer will be depicting about the research methodological analysis which will be utilizing to roll up informations for this research and seeing how the informations will make the research aims. With the used of this research methodological analysis by following the construction of guidelines, it will assist the writer to roll up dependable and trustable consequences for the research. In order to prove the consequences for this research, qualitative and quantitative methods will be used as a support with one another and the result of the consequences will be accurate in this research. 3.2 Research Design Qualitative methods is used for this research whereby it will be rely more upon interviews Sessionss and some instance surveies research covering with some little Numberss of people. The writer will roll up the informations and information by aiming to interview the people in Shangri-la Hotel on how they train their staffs and invitees to maintain themselves safe while being in the hotel. The writer would be after to interview the directors based on one on one footing so that more information included ain sentiments and ideas will be given by themselves. The interview questionnaire will be set and inquire based on the related inquiries stated in Chapter 1. The advancement of making interview session with the respondent will fundamentally get down with making the interview questionnaires and books that have related to this research. After the advancement of fixing the questionnaire that will be asked to the respondent, puting and carry oning a direct trial stairss will be taken for the interview session. After all, the last subdivision of the procedure will be the writer interview the respondent in one on one footing. Quantitative method is another portion of research methodological analysis that will be used to roll up information from the respondent. This research method will hold less interview Sessionss and observation. However, it is more towards on the aggregations of the informations and analyzes the numerical informations and statistic. For this research, study technique will be used by making a study questionnaire for the respondent, which is the invitee in Shangri-la Hotel. This is done in order for the writer to hold more apprehension on this research. 3.3 Data Collection In this research, there are two types of informations collected that has been used for this survey which are the primary informations and secondary informations. The combination of these two informations aggregation may be utile and able to demo accurate consequences which will assist the writer to make for this research. 3.3.1 Primary Data In this research, primary informations is of import for the research workers to roll up informations because the information that collected is direct from the respondent itself. Therefore, it will be much more accurate. However, this method that will be used requires more clip, cost and energy to finish. Therefore, the writer needs to pass more attempt in order to roll up great information and information. The primary informations for this research will be roll uping through one on one interview and questionnaire study. First, the writer will be merely aim the director of each section in Shangri-la Hotel to roll up information and information which relate to this research. The respondent that will be interviewed will be at least at the director degree ; hence the consequences taken will be more utile and dependable. The interview questionnaire will be asked will more base on the ways and the factors of safety and security issues will be concentrating on. The intent of utilizing interview method is because information that given will be more in deepness and interviewer able to inquire more personal inquiry in order to garner excess information. Besides, it is possible for the interviewer to enter down the conversation during interview session as mentions and cogent evidence with the permission O.K. from the interviewees. 3.3.2 Secondary Data Secondary informations are informations that have gathered and done by old research workers and now go the demands for the current research worker. Besides, secondary informations can be known as ready speedy beginnings with strong facts and grounds. Secondary informations includes books, diaries, articles, intelligence and others more. As for this research, the secondary informations will be more trusting on the electronic diaries and less on academic text editions. The information collected will be used more on cyberspace beginnings because it is easy to garner valuable informations which have done by person else antecedently. Electronic diaries articles that used to happen relevant articles and diaries as a support for some facts in this research are from the database of EBSCOhost from KDU e-library web sites, Emerald from USCI library web site and Google Scholar. All information that collected from these three web sites is cogency, truth besides free for prejudice. In add-on, the writer will borrow some books for excess information which relate to the research making from the library of KDU University College at Petaling Jaya campus. 3.4 Sampling Design 3.4.1 Sampling Technique The writer would take non-probability sampling as a tool to take the respondent for this research survey. The writer will be interviewed the directors of Shangri-la Hotel through quota sampling to acquire information. However, quota sampling will non be a helpful tool for the writer to make this research because non everyone is selected to be interviewed, therefore convenience sampling will be usage in study questionnaire. The questionnaire will be distributed to the targeted respondents who are willing to reply the inquiries unfeignedly. With the usage of this method, it gives the writer to hold big figure of full complete questionnaires fast and cheap which help the writer to salvage cost. 3.4.2 Sampling Frame In this research, the hotel that the writer choose to make on research is Shangri-la Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, therefore the writer will merely aim the respondents who are the invitees who stays in Shangri-la Hotel regardless of gender or races for the convenient trying. As for the quota sampling, the writer will merely choose people who have a high degree of direction to interview.
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