Sunday, December 22, 2019
Literature And Composition Of Jane Eyre - 2903 Words
Summer Reading Assignment Name: Bunji Bayasgalan AP Literature and Composition Jane Eyre Before returning to school, you will need to read Jane Eyre and complete this organizer, which will guide your reading and prepare you for the quiz, discussions and related assignments. You may use this packet for the quiz. SECTION 1: Background Research The better you understand the Victorian era, the deeper your understanding of Jane’s experiences (and Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s themes) will be. Use the space below to record your notes on this era and on Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s life. Women’s roles and rights in Victorian England: ï ¬ Victorian England was very misogynistic therefore women did not have many roles and rights. ï ¬ Housemaids, governesses, housekeepers ï ¬ Had to be of high power/status in order to have some power Class structure in Victorian England: ï ¬ 3 substantial socials classes, distinguished by influence, fortune, working/living conditions, education, culture, and religion ï ¬ Upper class- held power over political issues. Denied both working and middle class any say in the political system. Owed much of success to trade ï ¬ Middle Class and Lower Class had significant differences. ï ¬ Lower Class were stuck in poverty and were identified as industrial workers. Education and the lives of children in Victorian England: ï ¬ Gender and social class determined education ï ¬ A governess taught boys until they reached the age to attend school. Girls were taught at home entirely or went to boardingShow MoreRelatedSummary of Value/Evaluation by Barbara Hernstein Smith Essay1268 Words  | 6 Pagesit distinct and incomparable, apart from any outside force. This concept of inherent value is further complicated, Smith asserts, when applied to literature. This elusive idea of there being something else once any practical or personal value is eliminated is what would presumably distinguish a great work of literature from some other, sub-literature category. This great work would produce some purely sensory/perceptualÂ…or some purely passive and intellectual gratification, independent of anyRead MoreMarxist Criticism On Charlotte Bronte s Jane Eyre1467 Words  | 6 PagesYair Guerrero Mrs. Jones AP Literature and Composition March 18, 2016 Marxist Criticism on Charlotte Brontà « s Jane Eyre Some novels will not let the reader escape the social setting, and Charlotte Brontà « s Jane Eyre is no acceptation. The author implements a symphony of details that strikes the reader as a full blown portrait of society. The novel s surroundings profoundly influence the thoughts, emotions, and actions of every character, which makes out the setting to be as important to theRead MoreEssay about Jane Eyre Ap Question861 Words  | 4 PagesTim Kwist AP English Literature and Composition Quinn April 1, 2013 Jane Eyre: AP Question Essay â€Å"Writers often highlight the values of a culture or a society by using characters who are alienated from that culture or society because of gender, race, or creed. 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